Anonymous ID: 40123d Feb. 21, 2019, 10:17 a.m. No.5305958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6031 >>6215


I've never felt like asking about Q was the focus. It's like asking God for a really obvious miracle. Even if you get the miracle, you don't necessarily get the pleasure/outcome that you anticipated. We want obvious results but life is more subtle and interesting than that. It works better (for me anyways) to ask Life to unfold in exactly that right way. I would say the same for the role of Q, how it evolves, and how our service evolves with it. IMO, the more focus on service, the more things work out for all concerned. That anxious energy of expectation does not create the ideal atmosphere for revelation.

Anonymous ID: 40123d Feb. 21, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.5306028   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How much luck have you had so far in life demanding that things happen in a certain way?


If you want to express frustration, that's fine. That is you saying "I'm really frustrated by x."


But to turn it around and demand anything of anybody–that's what the cabal does, doesn't it? We need to live in a different way than that. You won't be happy as long as you are demanding instead of asking. Spoken from experience.

Anonymous ID: 40123d Feb. 21, 2019, 10:32 a.m. No.5306256   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You know, I really don't know enough technically about this technology to judge whether it's good or bad. But I know enough about living to know that, if it's bad, the thing to do is ask in prayer/meditation/intention for that to be revealed to whomever needs to know.


Things like this are going to happen over and over again. Your expectations will be dashed over and over again in one way or another. Sometimes it will be because you haven't seen the entire plan (whether Trumps, Q, or Gods). Sometimes it will be a compromise.For all we know, Trump team has a different kind of 5G or 5G technology. Or at the last minute, they will unveil something completely different. Or maybe they won't. No way to know for sure.


But at some point, you just gotta decide: Am I in or out? And stop overreacting at every bump in the road.


How many people thought Trump was crazy for signing that bill into law last week? Yet only one day later, he basically negated every bad provision with another document.


Please dont' drive yourself crazy when expectations are not met. It is important as this point that we grow into the capable adults we each can be. But that means letting do, lightening up and having some popcorn (or whatever) when we just can't get a grip. Everything is really ok, even when it's not perfect. "Enjoy the show" is partly advice about learning to see things with a little more detachment, like when we're watching a film.

Anonymous ID: 40123d Feb. 21, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.5306347   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I just wrote a comment something to this effect. I'm actually not that big a fan of Wayne Dyer, but I'm a big fan of the idea of that quote. Because it's really true. Physical stuff is created by mental stuff–attitudes, emotions, etc. I love your examples anon of Tesla tech, or other things in the wings that we don't know about yet. Amazing things are possible. We have no idea! It really does change everything when you are determined to make lemons into lemonade.

Anonymous ID: 40123d Feb. 21, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.5306465   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I hear you, anon. It's hard to be careful enough. No matter how careful I am, I still screw up, in part because of time pressure (at least at times). There's a constant tension between getting something done within a certain timespan (so it will be in the same bread, for example) or making sure it's right. And there's often compromise involved. I have to figure out all the time what an acceptable level of compromise looks like. Also, how good can I get at doing stuff fast. Some things I can do fast, other I can't. I need to know the difference, so I can make a real contribution and not cause problems that have consequences for other anons (like Bakers or BO).