Looking to discuss 5G without going into the "zomg mind control!!11 chemtrails!!!1 weather control!" shit. I'm just concerned about its effect on human health. I can tell cell phones are not good for people just based on getting a headache from holding the phone to my ear for just a few minutes. So why are we bumping the power up even higher?
I read the book "The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs" by Nicolas Pineault and found it to be a great source of info to share with normies and skeptics. There are studies showing prolonged exposure to EMFs, whether electric, magnetic, or radiofrequency fields, can cause a large range of health issues: cancers, autoimmunity, weight gain, sleep disturbances, infertility, etc. There are studies going back to the 70s linking living near high voltage power lines to higher occurrences of cancers, particularly childhood leukemia. None of this may be absolute conclusive proof but there are enough sources cited in the book to raise concern and warrant closer looks.
So I ask, why are we rushing to roll out 5G when there are so many concerns about the health effects of current technology?