Anonymous ID: 428f9c Feb. 21, 2019, 11:16 a.m. No.5307100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7121 >>7138 >>7149


I have no respect or sympathy for "Dreamers".

You are in the country illegally.

If you "contribute so much", then repatriate yourself and make your country of origin "great".

If you truly want to be a legal resident, then apply through the normal channels from OUTSIDE of the country like the rest of us did.

I am a LEGAL immigrant. I am happy to hear POTUS confirm that amnesty, legalizing Dreamers etc is UNFAIR to those who immigrated LEGALLY.

The "average" founding stock native born American is given $4,500 in funding for education in our local public school system. The "average" funding provided to ESOL/Dreamers/UAC's etc etc is over $20K per student, STOLEN from our family through legalized theft.

You HAVE taken food out of my children's mouths.


Anonymous ID: 428f9c Feb. 21, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.5307205   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I have been fighting the "Dreamer" bullshit from at least 2001. They are all self-serving assholes who want the blessings of America without making the sacrifices like the rest of us did. Americans have the right to determine who is best to join them, overstaying visas, sneaking across the border etc should NEVER be rewarded with legal residency. Parents who brought their minor children here should be charged with child endangerment and human trafficking, that would put an end to this bullshit right fucking ricky tick.

We have had BILLIONS of dollars stolen from us to pay for ESOL classes, free housing, EBT/SNAP, free medical, bias in favor of illegals for full scholarships for university (here's looking at YOU Harvard, Berkeley et al). Universities that receive federal funding should have it ALL cut off immediately if they are funding and supporting "Dreamers". "Dreamers" are foreign students, and should have to have a foreign visa with everything that means, and they should NOT get scholarships. Enough of this crap about undermining OUR children's future to give free handouts to grifters and cynical scam artists.

Anonymous ID: 428f9c Feb. 21, 2019, 11:28 a.m. No.5307296   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank you! I am proud to be an American.

I immigrated to the USA after marrying spouse Anon, a US Marine. After our marriage, we waited TWO years for my visa to enter the US LEGALLY and it cost us thousands of dollars. In the meantime, when I was still not allowed to live the in the US, we had to pay double taxation because we were taxed on our combined income in BOTH countries, had to maintain TWO residences, medical screening, background screening, etc - spouseANON had to prove he could support me, sign that we would never apply for social welfare benefits etc etc. I have always CONTRIBUTED to this great country since arrived, and raised four beautiful children who are now contributing to this country as all are STEM graduates and ALL volunteer huge amounts of their time monthly to make their communities better.


MY BLOOD BOILS whenever I hear the Dreamer whining, lies and bullshit.


If you know now you are "illegal" then deport yourself and get your shit right. Apply the right way, through the right channels from outside of the country. If it takes 10 years for your visa to be approved, so be it. You deserve no special "fast track" and your parents should be charged, convicted and removed ASAP.

Anonymous ID: 428f9c Feb. 21, 2019, 11:31 a.m. No.5307361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7369


Now that you "aware" you are in this country illegally, if you truly want to be a legal resident with a track to US citizenship, then deport yourself, apply the right way through the right channels from outside the country and WAIT for your green card visa for residency like the rest of us did. THAT is the only way to prove you truly want to be an American who respects our Rule of LAW. Anything else is self-serving, SELFISH bullshit. Sick of Dreamer emotional blackmail and manipulation. Stop being a tool of Globalists. Have some spine and do it the RIGHT WAY.

GO HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!