Anonymous ID: 5b0c87 Feb. 21, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.5306636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6650 >>6653 >>6702 >>6721 >>6922 >>7269



Miss Koh, if you're truly here looking for real input, please know that for the past 17 months smart, dedicated people of all walks of life have been digging into open-sourced information, something we used to look to journalists to do for us. Now we understand that most "journalists" don't care about truths, they only care about shaping narratives. Those narratives are most often shaped to the benefit of the ruling class.


It's easy to write this all off as crockpot conspiracy theories, it takes courage to call to attention the many ways unscrupulous people have leeched off of our countries, our taxes, our children, our society. They take advantage of the systems put in place to protect us, they write themselves free passes to perpetrate a multitude of evils upon us all. They slush taxes to entities who then pay it back as campaign contributions. They foster divide in order to profit from platitudes, perpetuating problems in order to make more and more money. They use their positions in government to give friends and family big grants and contracts on projects that never deliver but always enrich themselves. They enjoy the security of armed guards while trying to remove our rights to protect ourselves. They constantly want more and more of our hard-earned money because they know precisely how to tap the bloated bureaucracy for themselves without fear of reprisal. We tire of this sort, they do not represent us, only themselves, so we dig.


This movement isn't a conspiracy theorist's movement, it's an autism spectrum-powered supercomputer. Q nudges us in directions and we suck in open source information and discern the relevance. To quote the late Randy Savage, "the cream always rises to the top". Bad digs get left behind, good ones produce valuable information that show real connections and real wrongdoings.


I've always felt that even if Q team weren't really administration insiders, the things we've discovered here are, the truths we've uncovered here are. No effort to discredit will work without acknowledging what is being done here. No bluecheck blogger piece of shit can come on here and anonymously plant something they then cite in their latest tabloid-level hitpiece to tar us, but maybe one honest journalist can think for themselves, spend a couple weeks examining what we've discerned as notable over these ~5 million posts/~6700 threads and write up a real story about real people in real positions of power doing real evil.