Shill post this crap everyday
Miss “"Allahu Akbar" 13 days after Benghazi “ Ilhan Omar Wants GITMO returned to Cuba!
Ihan Omar Needs To Resign Immediately and prosecuted for multiple Fed & State crimes & Sent back! Enemy of the state with security clearance & on the US House Foreign Relations Committee.
Rep. Ilhan Omar has attended a travel delegation to a South American country sponsored by a radical anti-American and anti-Israel organization that supports countries opposed to the U.S. and calls for the return of Guantanamo Naval Base to Cuba.
The Minnesota Democrat was accused of anti-Semitism after asserting that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a bipartisan group, was buying lawmakers.
She also grabbed headlines after first accusing the U.S. government of leading a coup against Venezuelan socialist tyrant Nicolas Maduro and then attempting to grill Elliott Abrams, the Trump administration's new special envoy for Venezuela.
Now it was revealed that she once traveled to Honduras with an organization called Witness for Peace, a group formed during the Reagan administration that opposed America’s actions in South America aimed at stopping the spread of communism.
“After traveling to Honduras as part of the Witness for Peace delegation, I've returned home with a heavy heart and deep concern for the electoral process and human rights crisis the people of Honduras are enduring,” Omar tweeted in 2017.
Shortly after the trip with the group, she began opposing U.S. military aid to Honduras and publicly called for the suspension of the funding.
Omar’s association with Witness for Peace may prompt more scrutiny of her suitability to serve on the House Foreign Affairs Committee as the Witness for Peace organization and its leaders have supported the socialist regimes of Cuba and Venezuela and come out against the Jewish state, the Washington Free Beacon first revealed.
The group openly calls for the return of the “illegally occupied Guantanamo Naval Base to the Cuban people! And have organized travel delegations to Cuba, while calling Trump’s tougher policy towards the country as “the old unjust, counterproductive Cold War posture of past decades.”
Eunice Escobar, a board member of the group, reportedly also works for the Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network, which aims to “dismantle U.S. militarism, neoliberal economic and immigration policy, and other forms of state and institutional violence” and said the Trump administration’s recognition of Juan Guaidó as the interim president of Venezuela was a “right-wing” coup against the socialist regime.
Another board member, Jeanette Charles, also supports the Maduro regime and accused the U.S. of orchestrating a coup against the government. She is a member of the Chiapas Support Committee, according to the Washington Free Beacon, and has repeatedly praised the socialist regime in Venezuela, including calling the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez “god-like," according to the College Fix.
Paul Magno, another board member, has been an activist with Nonviolence International, a group founded by Palestinian activist Mubarak Awad in 1989, who called for the “eradication of Israel as a Jewish state.”
"The PLO [Palestine Liberation Organization] wants the entire Palestine and I agree," Awad said in a speech in 1988, according to the Washington Post. "Palestine for me is the Galilee, Akko, Ashdod, everything. This is Palestine for me."
The Witness for Peace most recent IRS records from 2015 show that over $300,000 was spent on funding a delegation to Latin America to provide “U.S. citizens the opportunity to see the effects of U.S. government policies and corporate practices and the effects of these policies on human rights.”
Nearly $150,000 was also spent on other operating costs such as “supporting personnel in Cuba to facilitated delegations pursuant to people-to-people licenses issued by OFAC [Office of Foreign Assets Control].”
Ihan Omar Needs To Resign Immediately and prosecuted for multiple Fed & State crimes & Sent back! Enemy of the state with security clearance & on the US House Foreign Relations Committee.
13 days after the Benghazi (The #13 has a significant islamic meaning)
Muhammad's War Cry. "Allahu Akbar"
The Hamas Covenant or Hamas Charter, formally known in English as the Covenant of the … It emphasizes the importance of jihad, stating in article 13: Article 13 “There is no negotiated settlement possible. Jihad is the only answer”.
Part 1 of 3
Traditionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and others have included synthetic opioid deaths in estimates of “prescription” opioid deaths. However, with [fentanyl] likely being involved more recently, estimating prescription opioid–involved deaths with the inclusion of synthetic opioid– involved deaths could significantly inflate estimates.
When so-called professionals who act like amateurs screw up public health policy, things become decidedly less funny. Especially for the many victims of political and bureaucratic incompetence and the opportunists who have managed to elevate themselves to sufficiently lofty positions where they actually have enough power to do damage.
If you've been paying attention to the nationwide narcotic catastrophe that is now claiming 142 lives every day (and seems to be getting worse), you may be shaking your head in disbelief. If so, it is not without reason. The idea that slapping three-day caps on Vicodin and Percocet prescriptions will in any way decrease overdose deaths is so supernaturally stupid that no one could really believe this nonsense anymore, right? No, wrong.
So much so that there are now 17 states that have passed laws limiting the number of days of opioid prescriptions, the total number of pills, and the maximum dose, with the goal of putting the breaks on an unprecedented epidemic of overdose deaths. How's that working out? Exactly as you would predict—terribly.
Opioid addictions began to accelerate around 1996 when OxyContin hit the scene and fraudulently markets to General M.D.s….Physicians and pain patients did NOT start the so-called epidemic. And denying pain management to people in agony won't help stop it. Stop the Insanity!
#1. Today's opioid overdose crisis began in force in 2010, in what was a quintessential example of the law of unintended consequences. After years of research, Purdue Pharma finally discovered a new formulation for OxyContin—a significant driver of opioid addiction since its introduction in 1996.
There is a clear inverse relationship between the availability of abusable OxyContin and the subsequent mad rush to heroin—a fact that the press, the CDC, and many politicians either don't understand or, choose to ignore.
As OxyContin use dropped (left) heroin overdose deaths soared (right). This relationship is indisputable. Although pre-2010 OxyContin played a significant part in creating a huge population of opioid addicts, it could be argued that the improvement of the pill inadvertently did even more damage. Addicts could no longer get the pure oxycodone they needed and promptly switched to heroin.
Between 2010-2015 opioid overdose deaths in the US increased by 65%, roughly 13,000. And even a cursory examination shows that increase was entirely due to injectable drugs like heroin or fentanyl.
The increase in opioid deaths from 2010-2015. The 65% increase in deaths arose from heroin and fentanyl, not pills. Overdose deaths from pills remained unchanged during that time.
This fallacy of an opioid epidemic and restrictions are causing great harm to chronic pain patients.
#2. States Crack Down On Pills To Fight Fentanyl. Insanity! Heroin is cheaper than pills. The street value of opioid pills ranges from $5 to $80. A bag of heroin is about $5.
#3. Rescheduling 90% of the opioids to a higher level by PROP. How did they gain this much power in Obama Administration & currently? Nor are they qualified.
The medications, which are killing people are not opioids, or restricted prescription drugs or even unrestricted drugs. They are ALL drugs. Including OTC (Advil, Aleve) and prescription (indomethacin, diclofenac) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Although estimates of annual deaths from NSAIDs vary widely they are significant: 3,000-16,000 deaths per year.
Were OTC medications included in order to skew the results? The CDC and PROP have used this trick over and over again; it works…but to benefit whom??? Follow the big money.
#4. DEA went after Physicians, instead of drug dealers on the street.
#5. Huge profits for rehab drugs, rehab facilities, Pain Specialists & Pain Clinics.
#6. Big Pharma pushing their brands of pot…Limit the supply of RX opioids to increase the demand for Big Pharma's Pot…
#7. "Illicit fentanyl and other synthetic opioids — primarily sourced from China and Mexico—are now the most lethal category of opioids used in the United States."
Part 2 of 3
FACT: The harder it becomes to get pills, the more people flock to heroin and fentanyl.
The Department of Health in Ohio — which has the highest number of opioid deaths in the nation — reported in 2015 that more than 80 percent of opioid deaths arose from heroin or fentanyl, up from 20 percent in 2010. Health agencies in Florida and Massachusetts report similar trends. It’s now indisputable that most recent opioid deaths result from heroin/fentanyl, not pain pills.
The other ignored horror of the equation is the cruel and needless suffering inflicted on blameless Americans who can no longer easily get pain medications. Just as addicts will do almost anything to feed their addiction, people in severe pain will do what is needed to escape it — even suicide.
But perhaps nothing illustrates the folly of government policies better than the rising number of pain sufferers who turn to street heroin because they can no longer get legal medication. What a travesty.
We also learn from the CDC data that the demographics of chronic pain and of overdose mortality are almost entirely different. The "over-prescribing" narrative doesn't work and never did. If prescribing was contributing to overdose deaths, we would expect to see higher mortality in age groups that receive more prescriptions. But there is no such trend.
In the past 17 years, death rates in youth and young adults have skyrocketed while opioid mortality in people over age 50 has remained stable at the lowest levels for any age group.
Moreover, the typical initiating substance abuser and the typical chronic pain patient are greatly different people. The typical abuser is a young male who has never seen a doctor, and who may have a history of mental health issues and family stress.
The typical chronic pain patient is a woman in her 40s or older. if her life is stable enough to see a doctor regularly, she will almost never be a substance abuser.
These trends are summarized and supported with graphics both here on ACSH and in an article in the June 21 edition of The Crime Report, titled "The Phony War Against Opioids - Some Inconvenient Truths". Readers can google the title to find the article.
Stop blaming doctors and their patients for causing it. Neither is guilty, despite the hype and misinformation we see in the MSM, Politicians, CDC (2018 Drug Threat Assessment of CDC), etc.
Government restriction of pain treatment (opioids) is driving doctors out of practice and people in agony into suicide.
Our mis-directed government's own statistics don't support the silly idea that our opioid addiction and mortality crisis is somehow dominated by prescription drugs.
It's not and it never has been.
It is easier to blame physicians for drug overdoses then to face the fact that most of the illegal fentanyl and heroin that enters the United States come up through the poorly protected Mexican border.
PROP, Makers of Oxycotin, CDC using in accurate numbers, Obama Adm., today's legislators are responsible for Thousands upon thousands of suicides and addicts over dosing on illegal fentanyl & heroin.
PROP is an acronym for Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing. The group, which consists of a bunch of self-anointed opioid experts anti-drug activists on steroids played a significant part in putting together the execrable "CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain — United States, 2016," which is the basis for new laws and policies which are so bad that they have managed to kill more addicts while at the same time legitimate denying pain the medications they need to exist.
Reviewers have rightly criticized PROP for using shoddy evidence in support of its findings. In the past decade, more than a dozen professional papers — including a systematic analysis known as a “Cochrane Review” of 26 other studies, and a 38-study review in the journal Pain — have debunked the idea that addiction routinely starts with legal use. In most cases, it doesn’t; people who use prescription opioids properly and legally rarely become addicts.
When in fact, the ones who become addicted are those who start off using opioids for recreational purposes. The next stop is street drugs.
The other ignored horror of the equation is the cruel and needless suffering inflicted on blameless Americans who can no longer easily get pain medications. Just as addicts will do almost anything to feed their addiction, people in severe pain will do what is needed to escape it — even suicide.
But perhaps nothing illustrates the folly of government policies better than the rising number of pain sufferers who turn to street heroin because they can no longer get legal medication.
What a travesty.
Part 3 of 3
We Chronic Pain Patients can not get our meds, or made out to be some addicts, drug testing….contemplate suicide or buy them on the street like some real druggie…and suffer in silence…
BUT they shove psychiatric brain chemistry altering drugs to children! At earlier ages. Good grief, end the freaking insanity! End the war on chronic pain patients and their Physicians. And get our children off of Psychriatric brain-chemistry altering drugs for Big Pharma's Profit!
CDC Admits Rx Opioid Deaths ‘Significantly Inflated’~2018
Researchers with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have acknowledged that the agency’s methods for tracking overdose deaths are inaccurate and have significantly overestimated the number of Americans that have died due to prescription opioids.
In an editorial appearing in the American Journal of Public Health, four researchers in the CDC’s Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention say many overdoses involving illicit fentanyl and other synthetic black market opioids have been erroneously counted as prescription drug deaths.
The CDC Quietly Admits It Screwed Up Counting Opioid Pills~2018
"We at the CDC Really Screwed Up and Here is Our Pathetic Attempt to Disguise it"
I want to know when and where the government receive their M.D. License?
Since 2014 heroin and fentanyl combined are responsible for far more overdose deaths than pills. Source: CDC/The Wall Street Journal
CDC: Combined RX prescribed opioid overdoses with illegal synthetic fentanyl-other-synthetic-opioids-drug-overdose-deaths.
"In 2016, 63,632 persons died of a drug overdose in the United States; 66.4% (42,249) involved an opioid."
Traditionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and others have included synthetic opioid deaths in estimates of “prescription” opioid deaths. However, with [fentanyl] likely being involved more recently, estimating prescription opioid–involved deaths with the inclusion of synthetic opioid– involved deaths could significantly inflate estimates.
The Department of Health in Ohio — which has the highest number of opioid deaths in the nation — reported in 2015 that more than 80 percent of opioid deaths arose from heroin or fentanyl, up from 20 percent in 2010. Health agencies in Florida and Massachusetts report similar trends. It’s now indisputable that most recent opioid deaths result from heroin/fentanyl, not pain pills.
Yes we are Trump Supporters and Anons. Proud to be! And we want the wall built & completely funded.
But our pain never stops!
It's been two years and the situation is worse…we are ostracized and treated like drug addicts…including drug testing just to get our pain medications that have been reduced. Or dropped by our physicians. For the same meds that we have been taking responsively for decades. What's next? Searching our homes? How is this freedom? I'm not flying a plane full of passengers or a semi truck on a freaking freeway! Or any past indication of drug abuse, possesion of a illegal substance or inappropriate behavior under possible influence. Good grief! Nanny State Medicine is here, thought this Obama nightmare would have ended by now! How is this freedom or liberty?
Solution….By executive order lower the (ridiculously raised schedule RX Opioid levels) back to what they were in 2000….Boot out PROP, CDC people in charge for falsifying crucial facts to fit an unethical un american agenda. PROP is not qualified nor have ever been qualified to make any recommandations. In the same executive order, end the insane drug testing, contracts, restrictions for all those receiving medicare, medicaid, insurance companies that recieves any federal tax breaks or benefits.…unless those patients have a criminal history, charged with possession of an illegal substance…or recent DUI type offense.detox history. We are not addicts and our physicians even general M.D.'s are not drug dealers. The Nanny State Medicine has to stop.
CDC Admits Rx Opioid Deaths ‘Significantly Inflated’~2018
Researchers with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have acknowledged that the agency’s methods for tracking overdose deaths are inaccurate and have significantly overestimated the number of Americans that have died due to prescription opioids.
In an editorial appearing in the American Journal of Public Health, four researchers in the CDC’s Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention say many overdoses involving illicit fentanyl and other synthetic black market opioids have been erroneously counted as prescription drug deaths.
So called Addiction drugs/treatment/rehab bringing in huge profits $$$35 Billion per year (2014)
-buprenorphine $115.00 per week or $5,980.00 per year
-naltrexone $1,176.50 per month or $14,112.00 per year
methadone $126.00 per week or $6,552.00 per year
Drug makers of of OxyContin, down-played OxyContin’s addictive potential and targeted primary care doctors[3],
Profit Mining The Opioid Crisis: The Dark Underbelly Of Lucrative Addiction Treatment Industry (TAX PAYERS ARE PAYING THE BULK OF IT)