Anonymous ID: cfbfec Feb. 21, 2019, 11:24 a.m. No.5307249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7291


>That we were brought up in the same country you were and desire to contribute to it. We've stolen nothing,


You are here ILLEGALLY!

If you come into my home UNINVITED but you don't "steal anything" but act as if you DESERVE to be there or have the RIGHT to be there…it's the same fucking thing!

"Dreamers" my ass!

I don't have ANY problem with imiigrants coming to America LEGALLY!


If your parents brought you here or came here illegally and you were born here, you should take it up with them and ask them "Why couldn't you came here legally so we could ALL be LEGAL American citizens?"! MILLIONS of immigrants are taken into our country every freaking year! I don't "hate" you, I just don't think you have the RIGHT to be here, period!

Anonymous ID: cfbfec Feb. 21, 2019, 11:32 a.m. No.5307367   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>you veil my points with your raw hatred rather than your logic.


What EXACTLY did I say that you are referring to as "raw hatred"? lmao Why the fuck would I hate you when I don't even know you? What I hate is your parents coming here ILLEGALLY and apparently raising you to believe you have a RIGHT to be here ILLEGALLY! We are a nation of laws! Abide by them ALL or GTFO! You, just like me, don't get to cherry pick which laws of the land you do or don't want to obey!