Anonymous ID: e8cce4 Feb. 21, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.5306620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6654 >>6756

The Deep State Shadow Government




The American Republic must Drain this Swamp

Rogue Agents of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) promote a globalist agenda for a corporate-run "new world order" technocracy. These evil people only pretend to care while they demean "deplorables," line their pockets & laugh at the U.S. Constitution.


Almost nobody would realize that all these people, in some way or another, are working for a secret rogue C.I.A.


Rev. Feb. 19, 2019 | SES = Senior Executive Service;

This poster targets + evil corruptocrats for exposure and identifies

attorneys who are toxic to our Republic (the yellow hazmat symbol).

Anonymous ID: e8cce4 Feb. 21, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.5306727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7045 >>7122 >>7209 >>7283

Russia to Press for Putting “White Helmets” on Trial for Crimes in Syria


Statement of Russian Foreign Ministry


Russia will press for putting the White Helmets on trial for crimes committed in Syria, including faked videos of chemical attacks, the director of the Foreign Ministry’s department of new challenges and threats, Ilya Rogachyov, told TASS in an interview on February 20.


“The leading Western countries have failed to place the struggle against terrorism above their own time-serving political interests. In the sphere of international counter-terrorist cooperation various selective approaches thrive. Terrorists are rated as ‘bad’ and ‘not very bad’. Countries are being forced to agree with the concept of ‘resistance to violent extremism’ and its dangerous elements that create situations for ousting ‘disfavored’ governments,” Rogachyov said. “The Western sponsors are keen to present the contractors on their payroll in a favorable light as ‘envoys of peace’ in order to use this as a cover to push ahead with political destabilization scenarios.”


“We are determined to push ahead with and safeguard Russia’s foreign policy positions in order to ensure the White Helmets’ crimes in Syria and their attempts to mislead the international community by means of fake chemical weapons attacks attributed to the Syrian government forces, just as any other terrorist activity, should be thoroughly investigated and put on trial,” Rogachyov said.

Anonymous ID: e8cce4 Feb. 21, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.5306763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6808 >>7045 >>7122 >>7209 >>7283

Saudi crown prince vows ‘all cooperation’ against terror, $100 billion investment in India


NEW DELHI: Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman on Wednesday joined Prime Minister Narendra Modi in condemning the Pulwama attack in the “strongest terms” even as India and Saudi Arabia agreed on the need to put pressure on countries that back terror and called on such states to dismantle terrorism infrastructures.


Apart from the specific reference to Pulwama, the joint statement called on “all states to reject the use of terrorism against other countries, dismantle terrorism infrastructures where they happen to exist and to cut off any kind of support and financing to terrorists perpetrating terrorism from all territories against other states”.


The crown prince agreed to share intelligence with India on counter-terrorism and, importantly, agreed that terrorists should come under UN sanctions. He also said Saudi Arabia will invest $100 billion in India.


After discussions on Wednesday with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman said: “As far as terrorism and extremism are concerned — which are common concerns — I want to tell India that we will extend all cooperation to you, be it intelligence-sharing… not only with India but also with the neighbouring countries.”


Crown prince Salman’s remarks come just two days after a Saudi Arabia-Pakistan joint statement said there should not be “politicisation” of terror lists.


Note: He gave 20 Billion to Pakistan last week??? Is this how they are going to back door nukes to the Saudi's????

Anonymous ID: e8cce4 Feb. 21, 2019, 11:06 a.m. No.5306911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6940 >>7045 >>7122 >>7209 >>7283

Blain: European Banks Are The Most Successful Ponzi Scheme Of All Time


Lenin was right. There is subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency.”


I must post this line from one of my favourite Financial sector commentaries – Duncan Farr of Jeffries who covers banks: “Here we are 5 weeks ahead of Brexit, and the top 2 performing banks in Europe are Lloyds followed by RBoS.” If you ever wanted a clearer hint the supposed Brexit crisis and imminent collapse of UK plc might just be a fictitious political construct, then there you are. Its fascinating just how sanguine the markets have become about the divorce. Sterling is up and who cares?


I have often been told I worry about all the wrong things. According to BAML, (reported on BBerg), the biggest fear of European investors currently is a Worldwide Economic Slump, with 30% of respondents citing it as their primary worry. Yep. I can see why that would be an issue. Only 2% of European investors surveyed by BAML rank Brexit as their primary fear. It’s not even in the top 5! (For the record, my primary fear is a Global Liquidity Storm – the sudden and catastrophic drying up of liquidity following a shock..)


Politics and markets are intertwined, but… maybe no longer in the case of Brexit? It’s just become background noise – meaning it; doesn’t matter, or we’re overly complacent. UK politics has never looked so dire. Markets appear increasingly disinterested. A new UK political party, and unstated threats a whole slew of ministers are set to resign if we get/don’t get a Brexit deal. Rumours are a deal is already inked with Brussels. Rumours are the Tory Brexiteers will reject it – whatever it says. It Theresa May is capable of getting together a deal in parliament – then this would probably be a good time..


It’s beginning to get silly. If I was an Irish farmer, I’d be more than a little concerned by Michael Gove’s comments about imposing the 57% tariff allowed by WTO rules on the 37% of Irish food production sold to UK consumers. (Ouch!) The Irish have gone bleating to Brussels, where the Irish agri-kommitzar has already promised them aid. If I was UK consumer, I’d be concerned at Gove unravelling cheap food and the corn laws. Ouch again. (For the record, I find Cornish butter to be rather nice..) Maybe, just maybe… Gove is laying out a negotiating position?


Let’s just hope I’m right, that Brexit doesn’t matter, and it’s just a millennium bug swimming in a slightly agitated tea-cup. Maybe we’re all wrong. Perhaps we are all worrying about the wrong stuff. Maybe its more simple? Today is ECB day. How exciting.


Notwithstanding the fact two domestic UK banks are the top performing in Europe, yesterday I suffered a moment of profound melancholy while perusing the news wires. I was reading an article on The ECB and it’s need to keep the European banking system awash with cheap cash. I sighed.


I feel like I’ve squandered the last decade questioning the dubious logic and market distortions implicit in ECB actions to shore up European banking and sovereign debt. Why? Because.. I really don’t want to have to give a lecture on how the ECB play’s the role of banking union by default, herding a slough of finance ministers and other hangers-on appointees to do the things a proper central bank should be doing in one state with one set of aims rather than 19 with conflicting aims…. No wonder every decision goes to the wire..


Effectively the ECB solution to crisis since 2011 has been to keep European banks solvent by giving them lots of free money which they spend on buying European sovereign debt. As policy, It’s Utter Genius! The success of the policy allows us to celebrate the last 8 years of strength and security of the European banking sector and the concurrent sustainability of European sovereign debt.


Or, to put it another way - Europe and its banks are now caught in such a co-dependency cycle, the only realistic choice for the ECB is to keep doing it and for investors to keep arbitraging it. Buy European banks and buy Sovereign debt – Why? They might be locked in a deadly embrace… but its’ highly unlikely the ECB will ever let it unwind.

Anonymous ID: e8cce4 Feb. 21, 2019, 11:08 a.m. No.5306952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Dumbest F***ing Idea I've Ever Heard': Lindsey Graham Blasts Trump's Syria Plan


President Trump's announcement that the US would be withdrawing its entire contingent of 2,000 troops from Syria amid the defeat of Daesh (ISIS)* has shaken pro-war officials and lawmakers across Washington, prompting to a string of resignations of senior administration members, including (now-ex) Pentagon chief Jim Mattis.


Senior South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a long-time critic of Donald Trump's foreign policy, has lashed out at acting Defence Secretary Patrick Shanahan on the Pentagon's Syria policy. The Washington Post detailed the harsh exchange between Graham and Shanahan at the Munich Security Conference last week, which reportedly included the senator blasting the defence secretary on the US' 30 April withdrawal deadline.


"Are you telling our allies that we are going to go to zero by April 30th?" Graham reportedly asked. "Yes, that's been our direction [from the president]," Shanahan replied. "That's the dumbest f***ing idea I've ever heard," Graham responded.


The Republican senator then began listing off a series of terrible consequences that a US withdrawal would mean, including the return of Daesh, Turkish forces attacking Syria's Kurds, and Iran gaining an 'advantage' in the country.


"That could very well happen," Shanahan reportedly replied. "Well, if the policy is going to be that we are leaving by 30 April, I am now your adversary, not your friend," Graham retorted.


Other lawmakers, both Republican and Democrat, reportedly voiced similar frustrations with Shanahan, describing him as a "deer in the headlights", and complaining that all he did was repeat the president's instructions, without elaborating.

Anonymous ID: e8cce4 Feb. 21, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.5307015   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bernie Sanders’s Media Firm Performed Work for Saudi Lobby


Sanders has consistently opposed Saudi Arabia


A firm paid tens of millions of dollars by the 2016 presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), a vocal critic of Saudi Arabia, performed work on behalf of Saudi interests.


Sanders announced this week that he would again run for president. During his previous run in 2016, Old Towne Media was his main vendor for advertisements throughout the cycle.


Sanders was the primary candidate disbursing funds to the little-known Old Towne Media and ultimately paid more than $80 million from his presidential committee to the firm, which was also his top vendor. Old Towne Media has not recorded payments from any other campaign committees since that time, a search of Federal Election Commission filings shows.


Not much was initially known about Old Towne Media, which was established a year prior to Sanders announcing his 2016 presidential aspirations. The firm was a "front company" for the Washington, D.C.-based Canal Partners Media, a media company where two of its top partners, Shelli Hutton-Harting and Barbara Abar, were tied to past controversies involving Sanders's wife, Jane. All three worked as media buyers for Sanders's 2006 Senate campaign.


Sanders's Republican opponent at the time accused Jane Sanders of "improperly profiting" from the ad buys by the campaign. Sanders's campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, claimed that Sanders's wife made the buys as a volunteer and then gave her commission to the firm, Abar Hutton Media. That firm was operated by Hutton-Harting and Abar, who now both help run Canal Partners Media, which ran the Old Towne Media.


In the summer of 2017, Canal Partners Media served as an advertisement buyer for the Saudi American Public Relation Affairs Committee (SAPRAC), a pro-Saudi interest group. The firm placed television ads primarily focused in the D.C. market that appeared to be directed at decision makers, including President Donald Trump. Sanders himself has been a vocal critic of Saudi Arabia, which he called a "despotic dictatorship" that has "supported terrorism" around the world, and is a leading supporter of an anti-Saudi bill.

Anonymous ID: e8cce4 Feb. 21, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.5307127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7147 >>7172 >>7209 >>7212 >>7283 >>7362

5 stages of Russiagate grief: Dems and the media prepare for ‘life without Mueller’


As Special Counsel Robert Mueller prepares to issue his long-awaited and likely flaccid ‘Russiagate’ report, Democrats and their supporters in the media have been riding a rollercoaster of emotions, not all of them pretty.


Set up in 2017 to investigate rumors of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, Mueller’s investigation is set to close in a matter of days, with a final report expected shortly afterwards.


Although a handful of key Trump associates, like former campaign manager Paul Manafort and Republican operative Roger Stone, have been charged with process crimes, nobody has been charged with any offenses relating to collusion.


Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper – himself no fan of Trump – told CNN on Wednesday that “the investigation, when completed, could turn out to be quite anti-climactic.”


An anti-climactic conclusion would spell disaster for Trump’s opponents in Washington, who have hammered the president for ‘Russian collusion’ for the better part of two years, and for the media, who have never missed a chance to add to the narrative, often with false and outlandish theories.


With Mueller’s report unlikely to satisfy their appetite for collusion, Democrats and the media have been going through a bizarre grieving process in recent days, as they get ready to bid farewell to their dear old friend Mueller.


The process is best explained using a time-tested psychological model. Much like a grieving family adapts to the loss of a loved one, Mueller’s fans now have a long and rough road to recovery ahead of them. Here’s what they can expect:



Denial is, for many people, the first stage of grief. As news circulated of the Mueller investigation’s impending conclusion, former FBI number 2 Andrew McCabe appeared on CNN to give viewers a lifeline, saying “it’s possible” that Trump is working on behalf of the Russian government.