Anonymous ID: 07b872 March 1, 2018, 10:34 p.m. No.530950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0954



I know the folks at NRA headquarters. They would NEVER say shit like this even for optics reasons if they didn't know that there are plans to keep 2A safe from DEM hands.


Optics =/= reality. Anons, DO NOT ALLOW (((them))) to play the perception-changing event trick on you over and over again.


Feb 14 2018 20:34:20

Q ID: 0245cc


Where are the tweets from HRC, BC, CC, Hussein, others re: the shooting today?

Do you believe in EVIL?

Make no mistake, they will all PAY THE PRICE.



This is WAR. There WILL be casualties.


Stay strong.

Stay together.


How fast the takedowns begin depends on us waking up as MANY people as FAST as possible.


FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 07b872 March 1, 2018, 10:37 p.m. No.530963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0974



If it is phrased correctly, guess how many niggers/spics/mudslimes/jews/asians etc will be facing confiscations?


TRUST the plan. We are not following fucking civic nationalists here, no matter the 'optics'. /ourguys/ know the score WELL.


Re-read crumbs. These are NOT what can be said by cucks or denialists.

Anonymous ID: 07b872 March 1, 2018, 10:46 p.m. No.530992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1000



The 'congress' has not only been freed, it is actually not what matters in day to day operations. The most direct influence on the law enforcement and its actions come from the executive branch.


The problem here is that most Patriots have been conditioned into this mindset as seeing the 'government' as the greatest enemy while it is but a mere symptom, a tool to our (((enemies))).


Who is in control of most if not all of the executive branches and its subordinate units and agencies?




The 'tool' was taken away from the (((enemy))).


There may be sacrifices along the way. There may be casualties.


The REAL meat of the matter is getting rid of (((them))).


How many times has trump and co done something 'bad', and nothing ever came of it?


MANY, if not ALL.


Trust the plan, TRUST the patriots, anon. Frankly I was prepared for the fucking apocalypse for 2017-2020. So far, things are going WELL, much above expectations. Q coming into chans was beyond my expectations.


Semper fi

Anonymous ID: 07b872 March 1, 2018, 10:52 p.m. No.531015   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is a multigenerational project. I am prepared to endure so that my children will not live in hell.


The rabbit hole is so deep I am personally thankful there is even a light around.


This CAN be done, God willing, possibly within even our life times.


FUCK the subhumans. We will WIN.

Anonymous ID: 07b872 March 1, 2018, 10:55 p.m. No.531028   🗄️.is 🔗kun



/ourguys/ know this shit goes on for centuries, MILLENIA even.


The fact that we are actually even winning is stunning to me.


Fuck with the best, die like the rest.

Anonymous ID: 07b872 March 1, 2018, 11:02 p.m. No.531056   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Who started this whole 'internet is going down' bullshit? Sounds like (((glowing nigger))) clown derailing op/shill to me.


STAY on TARGET anons. Our enemies seek to derail, distract, demoralize, etc ALL to prevent us from being effective at rallying the people towards the truth while they drug/browbeat the general public into submission using MSM, media shows, distractions including using False Flags for MAXIMUM effect as was just demonstrated via FL shooting.


Our job is the WAKE UP the PUBLIC and lead them into demanding ACTION into CORRUPTION and CRIMES of the BAD ACTORS.


STAY on TARGET. FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 07b872 March 1, 2018, 11:08 p.m. No.531075   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Glad you are keeping up with us, polish anon. I hope more and more of your countrymen and eastern european folks are coming into this board to take a look.


Pic related, white hats are everywhere. We must DEFEND our nations from SUBHUMAN SCUM.