Anonymous ID: 6c07fb March 1, 2018, 9:45 p.m. No.530812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0901 >>0905 >>0919 >>0929 >>0971 >>1345

"Watch the Water"


So for the last couple of days there has been an apparent "Hotspot" in the gulf. It reached a peak temp of 135 degrees and is currently 117. This is a surface air temperature.


The water temperature, displayed in the yellow in the middle picture, is constant through out the gulf. No huge red spot with a gradient like you would expect if it were caused my geothermal venting or lava flow.


My first thought was this is just a bad sensor on a weather buoy, but then I looked at some Gulf historical temperatures and compared it to the current temps.


All across the gulf, the water temperature appears to be 10 degrees higher than historical march averages. in Oceanic terms, 10 degrees is a huge number.


What could cause this hot air temperature data point but a hugely elevated evenly distributed gulf water temperature? I have no idea. This probably means a bad señsor, but this deserves some attention from any weather/oceanography/satellite/climatechange-fags who might be lurking.

Anonymous ID: 6c07fb March 1, 2018, 10:30 p.m. No.530942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0944 >>0965 >>1130


the nearby data points make it look like a bad sensor, but the 5 day graph definitely shows a gradual heat up.


10 degrees over normal temps across the gulf is pretty huge. Thats kind of like saying 50 degrees above normal over land.

Anonymous ID: 6c07fb March 1, 2018, 10:41 p.m. No.530972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0999



It's spiking and collapsing with a period significantly shorter than 1 day. I would think most malfunctions would lead to a flat or uniform bad reading.


Malfunctioning buoy is most likely, but if we imagine its something else–it has to be a hyperlocal phenomenon. Maybe some kind of super high-powered microwave antenna connected to a submarine. HAARP on a boat? Someone bad actor doing weather mod to juice up the east coast storm?

Anonymous ID: 6c07fb March 1, 2018, 11:14 p.m. No.531102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1174 >>1400 >>1476


15 = Map = United Nation Security Council

The UNSC controls the real physical map of nations of the world.

10 = Non Permanent Members(b)

5 = Permanent Members.(a)

1 = The Vatican Permanent Observer.(c)

The United Nations Symbol is an azimuthal projection that extends to 60 degrees South(60ds). It includes everything but Antartica.

1971 is when the UNSC changed. China was given Taiwan's position. The only major international power that formally recognizes Taiwan is the Holy See(Vatican). If the Vatican drops recognition like the news has been suggesting they might in retaliation for the US recognizing Jerusalem(Vatican REALLY does not want this, they are one of the few countries that recognize palistine as a nation, but NOT israel) Taiwan would have no more rights than native americans in the US. No ability to enter a treaty or have a voice at all at the UN.


Antarctica…where up is down where left is right. The overlapping claims for this territory are an absolute clusterfuck. Its important though. The slice the UK claims is tied to their possession of the Falkland Islands. They went to war for this in the 80s. We're familiar with all kinds of unusual activity there. Remember, from space, up/down/left right are arbitrary. We see it as the bottom of the world, but its just as much the top/crown.


But back to the keystone. / Key. The holysee symbol is a pair of keys. The three big powers, US(UK+France via Nato), Russia, and China all have their territorial geopolitical ambitions held in check by proxy. The US in Israel. Russians in Crimea(Russians check Israel with Syria and Iran), China Checks NATO/US with NK and the US Checks China in Taiwan, even though we don't formally recognize them. When the US makes a move in Israel, the russian Iran/Syria check gets weaker. I think this is why Putin is flexing his nukes, its his big chip at the big table. He has been stressing Nato by drawing turkey into the syria conflict and turkey is geographically critical for european missile defense. If he's losing his leverage via syria/iran he needs to play the missile card harder. Putin's primary ambition is UN recognition of his claim to the Crimea. He needs that warm water port.


Antarctica/Vatican play some role as key/keystone from 40k feet. The United Nations Security Council absolutely controls the map of the world. Its the most powerful international body ever formed and has been a success insofar as we have not had a hot war between nuclear powers ever since its formation.


There have been a lot of moves to change the council make up recently. India, brazil, germany(who was excluded at formation due to obvious ww2 factors), japan and australia and saudi arabia all want a piece of the action.

China through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has ambitions as a NATO counter.


This is the 40k foot view.


CFR, FISA, Politics–they tell a story that shapes the US's role in this and are more relevant, but if you want to change the map, literally speaking, all roads go through the UN and the Vatican has been key to holding critical pieces together. The US and Vatican are absolutely at odds over Jerusalem and they would retaliate by changing relations with Taiwan.

Anonymous ID: 6c07fb March 2, 2018, 12:14 a.m. No.531280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1285


Pretty sure the the Buyer is pissed at paying for christopher steele, literally millions of dollars, for /pol/ shitposting. No one even suggests the steel dossier is at all real. Hard to be mad at a kid who trolled with it when you're paying big bucks for at least plausible opposition research.