Anon asked for Seth Rich memes. From the libe:
>>530796 found a few more Seth
<Hey, even though it was created as a racist thing, I have no qualms about abortion. It IS a eugenics program, and that's exactly why I support it. If people don't want their babies, for whatever reason, they're doing society a favor by not having them.
That is so wrong, Anon. Abortion is the wrongful taking of a human life. Wrong, wrong, wrong. I'm sorry you feel that way. Maybe someday you will understand that murder is wrong, no matter the victim's age. The murder of unborn infants is, from the Satanic Cabal's point of view, a sacrifice to Moloch.
Then how do you feel about Planned Parenthood harvesting bodyparts from the aborted fetuses, and selling them for maxi-bucks? Eyeballs. Kidneys. Lungs. Livers. You name it. Fetal stem cells are big business. Fetal blood for the elites' life extension. Fetal flavorings are found in Pepsi Cola and other foodstuffs. There's a company that sells flavorings derived from fetal cells. Let's not even go into the eating part.
Every time a baby is sacrificed to a demonic 'god' Moloch, it strengthens the force of evil influencing the world. That's exactly what the Satanists believe, and why organizations like Planned Parenthood exist.
Every time a baby lives in a loving family, evil is overcome. Even by a tiny increment, it matters.
I think many of the anons here agree with this point of view.
If you don't think these things matter, then you have a lot to learn.
God bless you.