Q kept saying mirror and keystone which got me thinking about a keystone bridge and a mirror reflection of the arch and keystone in the water going under the bridge.
maybe the following could help form some kind of legend for your map:
a couple of posts on bread #476 got me thinking. they were:
>>387418 (in referring to Q's >>386861) which said:
15Map 10 5 (1)key
The top isn't so complicated. Everything that goes into it is. Should I make it easy for them Q?
then >>387505 (in referring to Q's >>387462) which said:
a a a a a b b b b b b b b b c
then same anon posted >>387536 (in referring to their own previous post 387505) which said:
where is up down
where is left right
where you find the keystone
then finally they posted >>387619 which said:
The map is in plain sight. Don't make it so complicated. It doesn't have most of the answers you want. The map tells you where to dig.
now about bridges with keystones in them. if the keystone is at the top and all of the strikers come down in an arch from the keystone, and if the bridge is over water, then the arch would be reflected in the water. so i used the above a a a a a b b b b b b b b b c where c would be the keystone (because of the 60dS "phrase" in the first two posts) and made the other letters the strikers beside keystone forming the rest of the arch. i then thought of using the "up down, left right" post to form the other letters which i reflected with a mirror. i came up with the following rough sketch. maybe someone could figure something to do with it, how to connect the a,b,c's into some kind of legend for this map??