Anonymous ID: 00b842 Feb. 21, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.5307413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7428 >>7481 >>7492 >>7535 >>7649 >>7976 >>8032 >>8078

I always see rightests wondering how did certain leftists ever win (re)election. It's because Republicans run loser candidates against them. Check out the one below. This is a great example of why Trump supporters need to take over the RNC at all levels.


GOP-Endorsed Candidate For Philadelphia Mayor Says ‘Mental Illness’ Has Kept Her From Working For Eight Years


The Philadelphia Republican Party’s endorsed candidate for mayor, Daphne Goggins, hasn’t worked a paid job in eight years due to anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder, she revealed during a phone interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation.


Goggins became the first black woman to receive the endorsement of the Philadelphia GOP on Feb. 13, but her endorsement swiftly came under fire after one of her primary opponents, Billy Ciancaglini, said she hasn’t held a paid job since 2010 and has been relying on federal disability benefits to support herself




Goggins, a 56-year-old single mother of three, revealed to TheDCNF on Tuesday that mental illness is what’s kept her away from the paid workforce since 2010.




Goggins said her mental illnesses materialized after she stopped snorting cocaine in 2005.




“I’m going to be honest with you. Everything that I’ve done in my life I’ve failed at,” she said. “So chances of winning are just as good as chances of losing for me. So I’m going to say it’s 50-50.”