Anonymous ID: 2b25cf Feb. 21, 2019, 11:39 a.m. No.5307469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7496 >>7601

>>5306628 (last bread)

That is something that hopefully will be decided by SCOTUS soon. Democrats have brainwashed people to believe that you get US citizenship just by being born here. Like many others, I disagree with the interpretation of a note made in the margins of a legal ruling. I believe POTUS does as well.


To be a US citizen, you must be born to parents who are either US citizens themselves and/or legal permanent residents at the time of birth. I think that POTUS will push to end "birthright citizenships/amnesty" which is long overdue.


These "anchor babies" are nothing but anti-white 5th columnists on track to destroy our culture. We are on to you. I do "Trust the Plan" that anchor babies will have their fake status revealed and a process in place to "repatriate" them, making the rest of the world "Great" since they all brag about how super-special and amazing they all are. Win/win.

Anonymous ID: 2b25cf Feb. 21, 2019, 11:43 a.m. No.5307494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7503


Go home and get your shit right by applying for legal status from outside the country like the rest of us did. Pay for the screening, pay your fees, and WAIT. I do not support anything else for illegals as it is a slap in the face to Americans and legal immigrants. POTUS has said over and over again he supports people coming in legally, "they have to come in the right way". You did not. Bye Bye.

Anonymous ID: 2b25cf Feb. 21, 2019, 11:47 a.m. No.5307563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7611 >>7615


How do I "benefit from birthright amnesty" ??

You are a shill working to slide this thread.

Again, the only solution is to repatriate yourself to your families' country of origin and apply the right way. In the meantime,make the sacrifices to make your country of origin great. You are a freeloader, you are here to surf on the backs of other Americans who fought and spilled blood and treasure to create an ideal of a society built on freedom and individual liberty with respect for Rule of Law. Your family did not respect that, and you do not deserve our respect. I am tired of your excuses. If Trump listens to Ivanka and Jared whispering in his ear to legalize Dreamers, he is DONE.

Anonymous ID: 2b25cf Feb. 21, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.5307729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7809


Typical bullshit from a commie.


The core issue is you are not here legally, you are aware of it, and if you truly wanted to be an American, you would deport yourself and get your shit right.


Fuck off with your "global movement". That is code for the Globalists desire to erase borders, erase any sense of Anglo-Saxon/European culture and pride, and to institute a new neo-feudalism after the middle class has been destroyed. YOU are part of that plan. YOU are the tool. Literally, GTFO.

Anonymous ID: 2b25cf Feb. 21, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.5307766   🗄️.is 🔗kun


POTUS needs to purge NSA and the military intelligence community of the deeply embedded traitors first. The rot is deep. Cash will only embolden and strengthen them. You will be surprised at who is revealed as traitors.

Anonymous ID: 2b25cf Feb. 21, 2019, 12:09 p.m. No.5307939   🗄️.is 🔗kun




There already is a solution.

Leave, return to your country of origin.

Apply for legal residency from your country of origin like every other legal immigrant did.

Pay your fees, do the screening, and wait patiently outside of the country for your interview and your visa.

It's very simple.

Muddying the waters on this using emotional blackmail is bullshit.

Dreamers have no legal claim to stay.

They have no moral claim to stay.

A solution already exists.

Don't fall for the lies and bullshit.

They feel they shouldn't have to wait in line or meet the standards other LEGAL immigrants did. The "Rules" shouldn't apply to THEM.

They don't follow our laws now, why would they once they were "legalized".

This video is dishonest propaganda.

Anonymous ID: 2b25cf Feb. 21, 2019, 12:15 p.m. No.5308046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8057 >>8077 >>8104


We are not falling for your bullshit or your emotional manipulation.

Notice how any assertions that founding stock Americans of European/Anglo heritage have the right to protect their heritage, their culture, and their children's future immediately brings out the shills like you who seek to distract, divide and deflect? We are on to you. There is not, and never will be, a path to "legalization" for aliens unless they deport themselves and apply for residency from outside the country to see if they meet the criteria to be accepted as a legal immigrant. Right now there needs to be a moratorium with zero admissions until this hot mess is sorted out. A good first start is to audit the illegal aliens receiving expensive ESOL education in our public schools and round up the entire nest of illegals and deport them all. Make a huge show of force at a few schools and they will get the message. You don't deserve to feel "safe", you don't deserve to stay, you don't deserve to milk the US taxpayer any more.