Anonymous ID: 6ee968 Feb. 21, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.5307865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7919


It's in ep. 14


You thinking what I'm thinking? Morrowick had issues with Lucasil.

Rob was gonna tell the world.

And bring down the company, so somebody hired Cutler to stop him, and the evidence might be in this notebook.

We just can't read it.

Maybe Rob's wife can.

It's been a while, but some of this is coming back now.

  • What does it say? - These are Rob's notes from an intervew with someone.

No name.

Just an initial: Q.


Who the hell's Q? In Jason's notes, he used to manipulate the alphabet.

What if we shift the letters back by one character? Okay, so Q is really P, for Patterson? Okay.

Looks like this Patterson is talking about a drug.

Initial M.

L? Lucasil.

He's telling Rob about a factory in China, I think, that made a batch of tainted pills.

They found the mistake, but the pills had already been distributed to patients in drug trials.

Does Patterson say how he knew about this? Here it is.

A major shareholder hired him, secretly, to run data to see if patients had been affected.

Were they? He found a 29% rise in mortality.


And the company kept it quiet.


He wanted to go public, to make sure no one else took the tainted drugs, but the shareholder refused and threatened him, so he reached out to Rob.

Rob was gonna expose this, wasn't he? This was his story.

In his way, he was gonna change the world.

Does it mention anything about who the shareholder was? It's just initials again.



Which is really R.


We know who that is.

Patterson's friend.

Russell Donovan of Donovan Partners


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