Anonymous ID: 7af344 Feb. 21, 2019, 12:03 p.m. No.5307845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7877


Check me on this, Anons, but the dictionary definition of "terrorism" is: "The deliberate commission of an act of violence to create public fear through the suffering of the victims in the furtherance of a political or social agenda." Let's break that down:


  • "The deliberate…" - pretty damn sure at this point that he didn't slip, fall, and mail himself a hate letter full of hoax powder / hire a couple of guys to rough him up, noose him and splash him with bleach. Check.

  • "…commission of an act of violence…" - powder attack letter, public beating… Check, check.

  • "…to create public fear…" - "OMG the MAGA people are actually lynching us in downtown Chicago!" Check.

  • "…through the suffering of the victims…" - even if the "victim" is himself… Check.

  • "…in the furtherance of a political or social agenda." - political agenda obviously is "Smear MAGA people as a bunch of homophobic racists." Check.


Anons, please tell me, how is this NOT a false-flag terrorist attack? Oh, but they're trying to say it was about his million-dollar salary for "Empire" wasn't enough. Bull-SHIT - I'll take "copping to lesser crimes to avoid terrorism charges" for $500, Alex.


Doesn't the PATRIOT Act etc "take the gloves off" investigators and prosecutors when it comes to terrorist attacks vs. standard crimes?