Anonymous ID: a08808 Feb. 21, 2019, 11:52 a.m. No.5307656   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Re: UC Berkeley thug.

This is a true story:

The day before Ian Dabney Hit that young guy with his bike he was on the sidewalk right next to me. I could not forget his face and recognized him immediately when he was revealed on four chan.

I was going to the convenience store. He parked his beat up old truck half a block away across the street and on the other side of the intersection. I live in a town that is overwhelmed with cyclist tourism. He took his bike out of the back of his truck, it was a fixie or a mountain bike, and rode it on the sidewalks and in the crosswalks. He squeezed past me from behind on a stretch of sidewalk that was only about two and a half feet wide. I was deeply impacted by the rage that was emitting from him. His face had such contempt in it. I have never seen another face that full of contempt. His eyes were glaring and cold. When I saw him on 4 chan it was one of those moments I will never forget.