Anonymous ID: a629e8 Feb. 21, 2019, 11:50 a.m. No.5307619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7762

Anon needing to vent here.


Angry & tired of MSM (including FOX) referencing "Trump supporters," and "His base," as if MAGA is a bunch of red hat thugs and a minority of the population.


People need to know that probably 3/4 of the population of the USA, as well as the citizens of most countries ADORE POTUS Donald John Trump. We are NOT the minority.


So-called "Trump supporters" and POTUS' "base" encompasses:


  1. A 95-year-old survivor of cancer, widow of an honorably discharged WWII vet, who begged to be taken to cast her vote for DJT.


  1. An entire neighborhood of Hispanic families who are proud of our POTUS & voted for him with enthusiasm.


  1. Doctors & nurses treating 95-year-old referenced in #1, who probably make more money than these talking heads on MSM trying to negatively refer to POTUS fans.


  1. Heads of countries who openly praise POTUS & want to emulate his brilliance, heart & spirit.


  1. Millionaires, billionaires, heads of large companies (think My Pillow!), business-owners and even celebrities making much $$ voted for this man.


I'm just so tired & angry of being referred to as just a "Trump supporter" and "His base." We are United States Citizens, people from around the world, smart, intelligent, have common sense and have the ability to recognize authenticity & a man with a truly beautiful heart who LOVES his country and was/is willing to sacrifice his cushy life in order to make a difference in humanity and take the wheel to steer in the opposite direction of where we were all headed.


I may not be linguistically great at expressing myself, but hope the meaning of my words is understood.


God Bless Our POTUS, this Administration, Our Military, Our LEOs, and all of those who do the right thing when no one is looking. WWG1WGA


That. Is. All.