Anonymous ID: a6cb40 Feb. 21, 2019, 12:13 p.m. No.5308010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8021 >>8033 >>8037 >>8054 >>8056 >>8084 >>8089 >>8105 >>8115

Fuck you Q. Fuck the system. Fuck you Trump. Fuck the DEM and the REPUB. All are as evil as fuck.


Q is right the left is evil fucks. So are Jews. Anyone with too much power is. That is what it does


Don't care anymore if Q is real/ and they probably are, Still don't care … You are all evil fucks.


Trump went on the Lolita express. Has by his on words walk in on models as they dressed. The age of most models? FUCKING 14-18. Pedo's all need to burn….No quarters, No mercy…


I have know the truth all my life because of my childhood. That is why I fell into this shit in the first place. Too see these people burn.


I will give credit where credit is due. You help change the system to where there is no going back. Things WILL CHANGE. But in researching all of this my soul has blackened even more than it was before. For this I hope you burn as well.


Just in case assholes treat this as a threat, I am not planning to do as violence against unless I am stopped from leaving this planet when the time comes.


Ps.. TRUMP, Q I hope you both burn in the hells with your enemy's and look into the mirror and see the system you have made is just a different kind of evil. Burn with the Jews