Youth Blood Wont Last Forever…New Generation Of Globalist On The Horizon
No matter how hard the aging global elite try to remain young, some even going as far as consuming youth blood, deep down they know that death is inevitable.
As a generation of old rulers prepare for the after life, a new legion of left-wing globalists are being groomed to carry on the dreams of a New World Order. Just as their predecessors they are not content on just being wealthy, they want to use their wealth and influence to impose policies on the masses that will make society weaker and easier to rule.
George Soros Alex Soros (The Billionaire Globalist)
George Soros, the 86-year-old billionaire who continues to fund global chaos across the globe via his Open Society Foundation, Black Lives Matter movement, and hundreds of other organizations is passing the baton to his son. Alexander Soros, the heir to billions, and once staple of the NYC party scene, is taking on a bigger role in the Open Society Foundation. He is following even further in his fathers footsteps by launching the Alexander Soros foundation. Alex takes meetings with some of the biggest Democratic elites such as Eric Schneiderman, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and US representative Keith Ellison, and yet still finds time to participate in Anti-Trump protests.
Bill GatesMark Zuckerberg (The Tech-Billionaire Globalist)
Bill Gates of Microsoft fame has made his life long objective to advance his Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. While the foundation has always promoted itself as a completely philanthropic organization, the $39.6 billion trust consistently goes to promoting vaccines, population control, and common core education in public schools.
He has also been vocal about his advocacy of implementing a global government.
Gates has obviously been a huge influence on his globalist predecessor Zuckerberg. In 2016 he and his wife launched the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to tackle “all disease” by 2100. He also continually speaks of using technology, particularly the technology he owns, to connect the world in a way where we see ourselves less as individuals and more as a global community.
What we know for a fact is Zuckerberg’s technology is not much more than an open source for the government to spy and propagandize society in order to control the narrative. This past election and Facebook’s use of censorship proved that point.