Spooky as fuck, anon.
I'm legit wearing a hoodie indoors. Kek. Future proves past.
Can I get a fucking paycheck at least?! Damn. I can't work around these SJW sheep at an Amazon or Cuckbucks. $300 a week is enough for me. A decent stipend never hurt. Hell even SEIU pays for shilling. A patriot needs to make a living. Can't even afford to go to a community college either.
Shut the fuck up, anon. I'm not doing this for money. Never have but I can't find a job that won't drive me bonkers being surrounded by fluoride drunken sheeple. I can drop memes and redpills anywhere. Just can't do it in my area at a (((job))) owned by SJWs in my area. That's all I've got.
I'm legit autistic, anon. Mildly but still. Trying to find something I can do on the side for myself. Pray for me.
My answer to (((them))) is: Hop in an oven then.