>>5311089 lb
> Q They know what's best for our Country?
greetings. ty for your service. respectfully, as a responsible and loyal anon, I'm told to let POTUS know that I am one of those who are totally disgusted with his signing budget bill……. most aggregious…. POTUS, whoever advised you you had to sign or not sign did not advise you totally. you could have done a CR and dared congress to vote against him. HE WAS COMPETELY ILL ADVISED…. whoever advised him, tell him to make sure that person is not at the table the next time this comes up. hate to mention but, respectfully, Kushner appears NOT to have the best interests of POTUS at heart vis-à-vis throwing away 13 volumes of pre-Presidental work done by Christy because Kushner didn't like Christy. Kushner single-handedly hamstringed POTUS for the first year of his Presidency…… I know it's his son-in-law… and I'm now saying, if he was advising POTUS to sign the budget bill, he should be excused from the table, period. just sayin'