Anonymous ID: e80a86 Feb. 21, 2019, 4:12 p.m. No.5313443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3539

We are the news now! Had to go school liberal tards about how campus carry isn't going


"I'm literally shaking at the thought that someone could legally have a gun. I won't be able to lock my door at night and feel safe."


"I'm afraid guns are going to be be used to rape me"


"marginalized people will be diapportionately killed by these legal guns."


After I took the bullhorn and got them to listen to a viewpoint that differed from theirs, their minds were blown. I had hott (but liberal) chicks flocking all over me like I was the biggest Chad they'd ever seen after that.


1 person can make a difference. I'm on at least 20 local news stations right now