Yup but he made it up later with a (/pb)
Past: Intel sells reporter anonymous story, reporter prints, is the news.
Present: Q drops here anonymously, it is printed here, is the news.
Q is cutting out the middlemen, and there has never been a middleman who enjoyed that process.
Oldfag; if it's too good to be true, it's most likely not even close to true. Looks like a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap to me. And get off my lawn.
dope smoking no job having ragamuffins
Hey, thanks for the last line. It kept me from reading your novel.
Happiest three gay dudes I've seen in a long time.
Well, you know what they say. Politics is Show Business for Ugly People!
That's what, Attack #3 on us?
Anon, there is no matter. We live in an electric universe.
Just a thought.
Planefags should correlate the exact times and people and find their planes.
Light does not freeze.
Because it is not matter.
It is a coaxial longitudinal circuit with a rate of induction, not little pieces of light going at light "speed".
Everything is fields, and fields are not particles.
Nothing is solid.
We know so very little about reality these days.