Communication is Key
It really all comes down to the meaning of crumbs. Crumbs are hints. Q did not explain exactly how the comms work, he left us to figure it out.
Twice Q said (about learning comms) How many hints must we provide?
Four times Q said we have more than we realize/know.
27 times Q has said EXPAND YOUR THINKING
In our latest task from Q (Feb 15th, we are to learn whether any recent shooters have received therapy in the past), we were clearly told:
We can guide, but you must discover the TRUTH.
>>521639 The logic.
The POTUS tweet deltas specifically mentioned by Q are 0, 1, 5, 10 and 15. If we expand our thinking, this points to any delta of 0, 1 or a delta divisible by 5. The clock moves in a clockwise manner (wind the clock), so (for example) the delta between POTUS tweets on 21 Feb (0940 and 1320) is 40 minutes, not 20.
The delta is backward looking and Q has proved repeatedly that the POTUS tweet deltas are not random. Specifically, the tweet deltas of 0, 1 or anything divisible by 5 are markers. And even where markers exist, they may be incomprehensible because they are for someone else. What we should know is to examine marker tweets and posts very carefully.
This is an idea that has upset some anons, but the nature of the comms is they are backwards looking and the future proves the past. If Q wants to point to a specific bit of digging, or piece of news or an idea, it's easy enough to use the POTUS tweet delta's after the fact to do so.
In February, there were 175 POTUS tweets and of those tweets, there were 31 deltas between consecutive tweets of 0, 1 or divisible by 5.
Date Tweets (EST) Delta Links
Note: Missing means sequential posts are not in the general thread, could be deleted or in a different thread
01 Feb (0702-1032) d=30 (archived: Missing 234263 and 264266 )
03 Feb (0839-0844) d=5 (archived: )
(0940-0940) d=0 (archived: )
(1953-1158) d=5 (archived: )
05 Feb (1542-0832) d=50 (archived: Missing 277047 )
06 Feb (0832-0837) d=5 (archived: Missing 284998 )
(1100-1105) d=5 (archived: Missing 285735 )
(1105-1745) d=40 (archived: )
08 Feb (0608-1213) d=5 (archived: Missing 304678 )
10 Feb (0920-1020) d=0 (archived )
11 Feb (1536-1946) d=10 >>339603 Missing >>339613
12 Feb (1548-0543) d=55 >>353889 Missing >>353888
14 Feb (1550-1555) d=5 >>375303
15 Feb (1425-1426) d=1 >>387580 Missing >>387593
17 Feb (1426-1446) d=10 >>410527 Missing >>410531, >>410533
(1436-1446) d=10 >>410620 Missing >>410621, >>410627
(1446-1511) d=25 >>410575 Missing >>410577
(1511-1516) d=5 >>410917
(2322-0702) d=40 >>414733
18 Feb (0702-0722) d=20 >>417014 Missing >>417015
(0733-0743) d=10 >>417118 Missing >>417123 and >>417124
(0743-0753) d=10 >>417157
(0811-0846) d=35 >>417167 Missing >>417168
(0855-1210) d=15 >>417450
(1413-2328) d=15 >>419192
20 Feb (1029-1249) d=20 >>440577
21 Feb (0940-1320) d=40 >>450720 and >>450723 (split across 2 breads)
24 Feb (1726-1816) d=50 >>485705
(2000-2210) d=10 >>487374 Missing >>487379 and >>487380
(2210-2211) d=1 >>488601
(2211-2256) d=45 >>488243 Missing >>488242 and >>488245
01 Mar (1306-1326) d=20 >>526547
(1631-1951) d=20 >>527669
(1951-1952) d=1 >>528966
(2158-2159) d=1 >>529818
(2159-2204) d=5 >>529798
Each anon can decide what, if anything is worthwhile in there, but the future proves the past.
I've also noticed an interesting pattern with non-marker tweets, but I'll leave that alone for now.