Anonymous ID: dbd4dc Feb. 21, 2019, 7:35 p.m. No.5317215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7282





There are more original things I would love to post besides Pepe, that said, the more original I get, I may end up doxxing myself by being too recognizably myself?


So I've been acquiring Pepe memes and changing them up a bit to suit me. Same with Night Shift memes … am a natural born night person so I love the whole Night Shift theme.


As a Trump-supporting autist life can be lonely, so it can really brighten my day when I've seen that someone has acquired and posted one of my humble little attempts at a meme. Gives me a feeling of belonging.


Yeah, I should probably work a tad bit harder at finding a style that works for me here that's less Pepe, moar me … but still Anon, no namefag, famefag, or recognizability. Would love to find that sweet spot.


Shadilay and Happy Night Shift, Anon.


(Oar maybe you think I should rather stick to bein' moar of a Prayer Anon than a Meme Anon … okay, I could see that …you guise are in my prayers, rest assured.)