Anonymous ID: 647d76 Feb. 21, 2019, 8 p.m. No.5317691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7724 >>7745 >>7954 >>8159 >>8243

Even After Sanders, Harris, and Others Enter Race, Bookies Have Donald Trump as Massive 2020 Favorite


Although there are now twelve (twelve!) already-declared candidates opposing Donald Trump in 2020, the nation’s gambling gurus are still heavily favoring him for the win in the next election. In fact, as the Washington Examiner reported Wednesday, the entry of Bernie Sanders as #12 in the race didn’t even budge the numbers.


In the latest batch of odds, released just after Bernie’s announcement, Trump is the overwhelming 3-2 favorite for reelection, writes the Examiner’s Washington Secrets columnist Paul Bedard, who spoke with the sportsbook manager at, Dave Mason.

Anonymous ID: 647d76 Feb. 21, 2019, 8:03 p.m. No.5317738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7745 >>7954 >>8159 >>8243

Your phone and TV are tracking you, and political campaigns are listening in



It was a crowded primary field and Tony Evers, running for governor, was eager to win the support of officials gathered at a Wisconsin state Democratic Party meeting, so the candidate did all the usual things: He read the room, he shook hands, he networked.


Then he put an electronic fence around everyone there.


The digital fence enabled Evers’ team to push ads onto the iPhones and Androids of all those attending the meeting. Not only that, but because the technology pulled the unique identification numbers off the phones, a data broker could also use the digital signatures to follow the devices home. Once there, the campaign could use so-called cross-device tracking technology to find associated laptops, desktops and other devices to push even more ads.


Welcome to the new frontier of campaign tech — a loosely regulated world in which simply downloading a weather app or game, connecting to Wi-Fi at a coffee shop or powering up a home router can allow a data broker to monitor your movements with ease, then compile the location information and sell it to a political candidate who can use it to surround you with messages.

Anonymous ID: 647d76 Feb. 21, 2019, 8:05 p.m. No.5317776   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-Trump resistance discards once-celebrated dossier: 'They're trying to memory-hole it'


The infamous anti-Trump dossier, once toasted by the FBI and liberals, has faded from Washington’s political dialogue.


The FBI had embraced the opposition research written by former British spy Christopher Steele and funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee in 2016. Congressional Democrats frequently cited its unverified collusion charges in 2017.


Today, Democrats seem to have left the document behind.

Anonymous ID: 647d76 Feb. 21, 2019, 8:07 p.m. No.5317811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7954 >>8159 >>8243

IRS Intelligence Analyst John Fry Charged With Leaking Cohen Financial Records to Creepy Porn Lawyer…


You might remember back in May 2018 when sketchy porn lawyer Michael Avenetti was releasing U.S. Treasury notifications on Michael Cohen received from an unknown source within the Treasury Department [See Here]. You might also remember when New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow wrote a sympathetic article after talking to the leaking treasury official [See Here].


As a result the Treasury Inspector General began an investigation.


John C. Fry, 54, was an intelligence analyst with the IRS’s law enforcement arm in San Francisco.


According to the North California U.S. Attorney’s Office (full pdf below) after searching for IRS activity reports related to Michael Cohen, Mr. Fry shared the information with creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti and was also a source for Ronan Farrow.

Anonymous ID: 647d76 Feb. 21, 2019, 8:10 p.m. No.5317865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7954 >>8032 >>8159 >>8243

CA Democrats Author Bill to Protect Sex Offenders Who Lure Minors


No sex offender registry if perpetrator within 10 years of age of the minor


State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) introduced recent legislation “to end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry.”


However, under their bill, SB 145, the offenders would not have to automatically register as sex offenders if the offenders are within 10 years of age of the minor.

State Senator Scott Wiener. (Kevin Sanders For California Globe)


Wiener claims the current law “disproportionately targets LGBT young people for mandatory sex offender registration, since LGBT people usually cannot engage in vaginal intercourse.”


Existing law, the Sex Offender Registration Act, amended by Proposition 35 by voters in 2012 (Ban on Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery), requires a person convicted of a certain sex crime to register with law enforcement as a sex offender while residing in California or while attending school or working in California.


Wiener says, “Currently, for consensual yet illegal sexual relations between a teenager age 15 and over and a partner within 10 years of age, ‘sexual intercourse’ (i.e., vaginal intercourse) does not require the offender to go onto the sex offender registry; rather, the judge decides based on the facts of the case whether sex offender registration is warranted or unwarranted. By contrast, for other forms of intercourse — specifically, oral and anal intercourse — sex offender registration is mandated under all situations, with no judicial discretion.”

Anonymous ID: 647d76 Feb. 21, 2019, 8:13 p.m. No.5317907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7947 >>7954 >>8159 >>8243

A press blackout on news top FBI lawyer James Baker wanted Hillary Clinton prosecuted


The news is out that then-FBI director James Comey did indeed have some credible prosecutors for Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified documents during her stint as secretary of state, passing around some of the U.S. government's most secret documents on an illegal private account attached to a server in some guy's bathroom.


"No reasonable prosecutor" would take the case, Comey intoned, who then let the former secretary of state and then-presidential candidate off the hook.


Actually, there was one, at least one, and he was sitting right next to Comey: none other than FBI general counsel James Baker, who admitted in congressional testimony that he did think Clinton's dishonest act merited prosecution.

Anonymous ID: 647d76 Feb. 21, 2019, 8:20 p.m. No.5318019   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Turn the volume down


Can Permanent Tinnitus Due to Loud Music Be Treated?

Anonymous ID: 647d76 Feb. 21, 2019, 8:25 p.m. No.5318092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8159 >>8185 >>8224 >>8243


Meditation, The Occult, And The Bible: An Ex New-Agers Critique


By Marcia Montenegro| A voice intones: “Close your eyes…relax…let each muscle relax…let your mind go blank…see yourself as a cloud…floating…getting lighter and lighter…”


Words like these, a form of guided meditation, are heard today in stress reduction workshops, human potential classes and on relaxation tapes. Is this what David means in Ps. 19:14 when he says, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord…?” Is meditation just another form of prayer?


There is a clear distinction between Biblical meditation, which means reflection, devotion and contemplation, and which makes use of the mind, and the meditation techniques mentioned above which are often taught without the word “meditation” even being used.

The Hindu Connection:


Meditation as taught and practiced today in the West originates from practices and beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, the goal of meditation is to realize that one’s personal identity is a barrier to the truth that the real self is part of the divine godhead, which is ultimate reality.(1)


The mind in both Hinduism & Buddhism is seen as part of the material body and therefore a barrier to spiritual enlightenment.(2) Meditation is designed to bypass the mind, using special breathing techniques.(3) The ultimate goal is samadhi with no cognition, or absorption into a state of pure consciousness through disengaging the mind and a loss of self-awareness and subject-object awareness (4) : “The mind which for so long stood between us and our true nature has been overcome.” (5)


One of the most common ways this is done is through various forms of yoga, including the popular hatha yoga taught in the West. (6) “Though their means may differ, all yogic paths seek to transcend duality in union” so that one’s “mistaken belief in himself as a separate, unique individual apart from God will be overcome.”(7) Exhaling the breath is “the surrender of our ego” and the move from attachment to “non-attachment.”(8)


This imported meditation is usually packaged as a way to relax or reduce stress. But this was never the purpose of meditation in its Hindu or Buddhist form. Sometimes taught with visualizations and breathing exercises, this “relaxation” exercise has many hidden dangers. The mind often goes into an altered state of consciousness, also known as a light trance or hypnotic state, during the meditation.(9)


The exercises are designed to bring this about. In such a state, rational judgment and discernment is suspended, and the mind is highly suggestible and open to any influences present. In one class the writer attended, a student who fell asleep was reprimanded because he would miss the “spiritual trip” intended by the exercise.


This state of mind is not the same as spontaneous daydreaming, quiet contemplation, or conscious, rational concentration. The euphoria or peace experienced by many at first is short-lived and deceptive. Instructors of these techniques who teach them as a spiritual discipline often warn students that psychic experiences and supernatural encounters are common, some of them frightening, and that the breathing techniques can be dangerous (10). The effect for some people is similar to a drug trip. It is this state of mind during which one is supposed to contact guides from the spirit world.(11)

Anonymous ID: 647d76 Feb. 21, 2019, 8:36 p.m. No.5318274   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What you think your the only one or something.. some of us have been following this for years,, long before Q came on the scene and we thought there was no hope for America.. Thank God for Trump and Q-Team….And Why ya yelling on every post