>>5318120 (lb)
Amen anon
Its been most of my life.
I have known since I was a young boy that something is not right with this reality because I feel everthing around me even peoples hearts, darkness and light.
I was ostracized my whole life.
But I’m stronger now. Suffering produced good fruit.
I am pleased that you and your family are safe.
Remember… nails that stick out to far get pounded in or pried out.
But you are awake and strong which is good, I admire you.
“they” are actively searching for and destroying the minds and lives of those that God anointed to see and heal the broken, deal with the evil ones who have broken the rules and lead others to the light. “They” know what to look for. The light cant be hidden. God does it to keep the balance. That balance has shifted to darkness. If it reaches a certain point of no return. He will act.
The Light will prevail one way or another
Be blessed.
Sorry to sound so cryptic.