Yeah look I never thought Trump would be "gas the kikes race war now," but he made a LOT of "On Day One I'll Do… (insert one of 50 broken promises)" and none of them happened. No middle class tax cut, but a HUGE tax cut for the 1% (who are overwhelmingly Jewish). American farmers in the heartland are being DEVESTATED by his trade war. Absolutely crushed. So bad that the USDA has to use OUR taxpayer dollars to bail them out and massively purchase beef, corn, poultry, etc (this is NOT healthy, it's Communism) and then they have to dump that food into food banks just to keep it from going bad. The WHITE working class have seen the EBT/Welfare decreases. It's not a bunch of niggers losing EBT, it's college Whites and lower middle class White families who JUST make a few bucks too much to get help, which makes them BETTER OFF not working and getting Section 8 housing / EBT than to work and pay taxes (fact). Ironworkers are struggling, he keeps prolonging coal (coal is a dying industry, the rest of the world IS moving towards renewable). Countless factories are STILL CLOSING UP, manufacturing is LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Most of the above industries I mentioned are fucked because of the purchasing power of the US dollar, which is basically a worthless receipt thanks to the federal reserve. Until the federal reserve is destroyed, the US Dollar isn't even real money, its "credit" that's privately owned and LOANED to the US government. China and Russia are in a space race (not space travel, SPACE WEAPONRY) with America. It used to be by "land, air, and sea," but now it's by "space too," whereas they can disable GPS and countless other tracking hardware by taking out our satellites. So what this means is that America MUST continue the military industrial complex wars-for-profit to sustain the race for weapons when we're 22 trillion in debt (TWO TRILLION ADDED BY TRUMP ALREADY). The Child Tax Credit for the middle class (this REALLY helped out White working families)