Hey Baker!
Firstly ty fren! o7
Second, as a warning still on my shill sniping spree.
Hey Baker!
Firstly ty fren! o7
Second, as a warning still on my shill sniping spree.
Holy fuck, den digits
Hey Anons, survey time. I'm no stranger to having bad insomnia. So what do I do? Where do I end up? Y'all Fuckin know.
Any of ya ever notice that when the board is bogged with traffic late at night(cus of shills)
Right around 4am, give or take,the bread clears up. No issues.
4am right.
Maybe, dont know why it took so long for that patten to click in muh brainz. Ive always noticed it, but just now did I realize.
I wonder if we should request BO/BV to record and document. Not that I'm trying to be a needy lil princess and throw moar on their plate. I know they're prolly fed up with all sorts of shit.
It would be useful to see the patterns that develop. Cross reference with live events. It would be very interdasting.
Kek'd so hard I threw up a lil
Thats 5 kekells for you lad!
It's twilight Anon. In between the shifts. This is where and when the memetic warfare division goes to range. Relax and be comfy. Its okay if the bread gets a little shitted up ATM. Enjoy!