soldiers have died battling this shit. we are in a war right now.
you don't see that? yes, we are mostly protected but make no mistake we are at war and have been for a couple of years
soldiers have died battling this shit. we are in a war right now.
you don't see that? yes, we are mostly protected but make no mistake we are at war and have been for a couple of years
you need a grain free diet
lots of good fats: animal, avocado, butter, full fat everything
good protein, lots of veggies, zero sugar, no carbs.
i followed a blog called "against all grain" and "empowered sustenance"
get probiotic stuff into your diet. i make my own yogurt with grass fed milk (no sugary toppings)
the thing i discovered recently that has not only helped me lose weight and just make me feel overall well is intermittent fasting. you fast for at least 1 hrs a few times a week. some do it every day, some a few times a week. it turns out it is incredibly healthy because it lets you organs rest.
so what i do is stop eating around 9 at night and try to go to lunch time the next day at the very least, sometimes i go until dinner. i will drink water, tea, coffee with heavy cream (cheat).
so the most important thing is to get the yogurt into system to correct your bowels and keep the carbs and sugar out. and drink lemon water to help get you body more alkaline. lemon is acid but yes it helps make you alkaline. use bentonite clay, cilantro, parsley, okra, aloe to get heavy metals etc out
sorry, you fast for at least 14 hrs (typo before)
another thing: NO vegetable oils (PUFA very bad for you), canola, etc. i make my own tallow, lard i use for cooking. good butter (i use kerrygold). no cooking with olive oil, only drizzle on salads etc.
it took me a long time to figure all this out. i changed everything when my kids were still fairly young so i got a lot of resistance. it also took me years to really clean out my pantry and commit 100%. it's a lifestyle now. i'm in my sixties and take zero meds, no illnesses (thank god, knock on wood). i try to stay away from all meds at all times unless i have an infection of some kind (i get kidney stones sometimes-hereditary) i smoke pot if i don't feel well. not sure if it helps physically but it helps with pain and nausea. good luck to all of you. all these things may seem costly and time consuming but, trust me, you either pay now, or you pay later.
all meat diet is very hard on your liver. zero carbs are pretty impossible considering veggies have carbs too. you need to have good carbs. when i am craving carbs i buy low carb tortillas and indulge. for sweetness in my drinks i buy pyure in packets from costco (basically stevia). sometimes i buy eikhorn (some kind of ancient wheat) and bake with that. the most important thing for people with bowel and digestive issues is probiotics in their daily diets. your good bacteria have been fucked up. new therapies now are being introduced because it's becoming an epidemic. i read they are taking newborn fecal matter (baby shit) and inserting it into people's bowels to help get the good bacteria growing. oh i just remembered….pickles, anything pickled is very probiotic. make your own. so easy and addictive. i make the best and craziest pickles from everything. also, organic fruits and veggies. in fact, in my very urban city, i have found a csa (community supported agriculture) where you prepay for your share of a farmers harvest and they deliver it to a place (like a church, community ctr, etc) and everyone gets a share….straight from an organic farm upstate. it's a beautiful thing for city dwellers. along with that i have joined a private (club) that is a cooperative for small farmers where you buy meat, eggs, cheeses, grains, etc. i buy my eggs, milk and meats from them….fresh cut organic meats, grassfed free range eggs, cream top milk…all cheaper and far superior than anything in the supermarket and cheaper
not sure what you are trying to say. it sounds like 2 contradictory statements you have made. these are facts. i'm not a md, but then again. i've never met a dr. i fully trusted. my pa, who i love and trust more than my md, is obese. i went to the dr three years ago to get an antibiotic for a severe infection caused by kidney stones and they didn't even get that right. had to go back to get the correct one and it promptly fucked up my bowels. i think we have resoundingly found that the medical field is corrupt. so like news, you must research yourself for your health and well being. i haven't written about any of the quackery that's out there, and there is a ton. all i'm sharing is a way to get and keep your health with healthy and clean eating.
i think it was cipro (sp?), but most antibiotics mess with your bowels
genetically modified foods change your good bacteria
are we still expecting something big to happen tomorrow? i remember last week a clockfag said 2/23 was huge. i really hope so because i told my ex husband. even though he has heard all my false predictions of "this is it today", i have managed to get him far enough to say "i hope you're right", after i told him the other day that barr will move things along once he's in, today he said "i can't wait to see them find out it's a nothing burger". this is huge for him. my kids are another story
thanks for that tip. i react to all antibiotics. i try to wait it out for everything. it drives my family crazy. i did wait too long for that infection though. i was in a bad way. my urine sample for the test was cloudy….that's how bad it was. i consider myself lucky to be alive. so people, infection is serious. but on the whole, i avoid the dr like the plague
yes, tea tree oil is wonderful. how do you apply it? massage it in?
off topic, i am very careful regarding cosmetics and anything you apply to your skin and hair because skin is so porous.
i have essentially eliminated everything and now use tamanu oil (sometimes argan, castor). be very careful of nail polish (many toxic chems). expensive but you only use a couple of drops. also use vinegar on my hair and nether regions. smells bad only until you rinse. my kids are young adults now and were so resistant when i changed things, but they eat cleaner than the average person their age. all of them cook, which i found out is rare considering none of any of their roommates do. my girls are very careful about the ingredient in their cosmetics and hair products. so i'm thankful it rubbed off on them even a little.
another very important thing is filtered water….i've been using a berkey for about 5 yrs now. you only have to see that filter and the gross shit accumulated on it and in the top half once to never go back to unfiltered. i get an additional filter attached for fluoride.
the narcissism is strong in this one. he doesn't know when to shut up. i guess this is one of the cornered animals q talked about.
really awesome!
i hadn't considered that they might off him while he's out on bail. wow. jussie, you in danger!
i don't either, but think of the insanity of that if they tried. that would be the ruby killing oswald of our era. huge red pill. imagine the shock to the masses if that happened….they certainly are desperate enough