Why does Q hate Ann? She's telling the truth about demographic change and how because of Trump signing that bill; it will be impossible for him to win in 2020.
>not shilling here. I want real answers.
Why does Q hate Ann? She's telling the truth about demographic change and how because of Trump signing that bill; it will be impossible for him to win in 2020.
>not shilling here. I want real answers.
Yes, but is she wrong about demographic change? Will California ever go red again?
In California? I see California as a glimpse of the future for the rest of the country.
How would California ever become red again if we are flooding our country will all these "based" minorities?
Trump was wrong. We will absolutely become a socialist country.
>If it's possible for me it's possible for many others.
Nonwhites won't (statistically speaking). They usually vote for gibs.
How? Republicans don't have Congress.
Why didn't they do it when they held power?
>never interrupt the enemy when they are making mistakes.
What???? I think we made the mistake by not passing legislation when we had power. Now, there's no guarantee of getting it back because of demographic change.
>Any legislation passed would have been bad optics and challenged for years.
That makes no sense if they held all the power. I hope you're not a republican strategist.
>Use your fucking head, don't @ me ever again.
Do you have an opinion on pic related, mr. tough-talkin' boomer?
Do you believe in Trump's high approval ratings?
Who cares about chess when your opponent is across the table with a belt-fed machine gun (mass immigration aka socialist-voting spics)?
Any of my Qpedes redpilled on Hitler?
You shouldn't underestimate the left. They basically already have us in checkmate.
It's objectively true though. They control all major institutions and they're about to take back the government. You're being a moron.
Leftists have firm control of media, corporations, law, education, billionaire funders, social media. Take your pick.
Well, we can't count on Trump. He's too much of a pussy.
Why do you think this?