Vault 7 Wikileaks lined to Vault 7 food supply?
Seed vault on Svalbard Island?
Is this a NWO stash for when they get rid of 90% of human population plan?
Vault 7 Wikileaks lined to Vault 7 food supply?
Seed vault on Svalbard Island?
Is this a NWO stash for when they get rid of 90% of human population plan?
oops, I mean linked
I just went to Wikipedia
Svalbard Global Seed Vault
Norwegian island of Spitsbergen
Nordic Gene Bank (NGB) 1984
Haven't found anything yet that calls it Vault 7.
Maybe there are 6 others like it?
Have to dig some more.
I think I remember Bill Gates having something to do with it.
If so, then probably some NWO agenda.
Poison us, but have good stuff on reserve for themselves maybe?
maybe some of the big names in Hwood can finally speak up without fear of retribution from the pedos
CNN sending coded msg ?
clint eastwood word for pedophile? i guess
Snopes for Dopes
they are all owned
but what does this have to do with a seed vault?