Anonymous ID: fd9fb4 Feb. 22, 2019, 3:31 a.m. No.5322801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2819 >>2868



The moon and sun alignment is statistically impossible… but in an infinite universe? and that is still true if the world is a sphere or flat. The "retrograde motion of the planets" and the "precession of the stars" are two recordable phenomena you can see in the night skies. If you look at the geometry of the positions of the earth in relation to these phenomena a spinning sphere in orbit around the sun explains beautifully this anomaly. For flat earth you'd have to explain why planets, that don't stop, suddenly appear to go in reverse.

Truth is life is a miracle. There is no reason for it to be and yet it is… and how! Be still and know god. Meditate. Life is god, if not what else could it possibly be? Think about it for a while. We just have to wake ourselves up from the illusion we've been "programmed to be".

All the visible planetary bodies and stars are spherical.


The sea should spill off into space….? If you put some water in a bucket and spin it around with your body, slowly at first, you can have the bucket at 90 degrees to yourself, if you are spinning at the right speed the water will not fall out. Motion creates "gravitational forces" ( no one know what they are but it works so "gravity" is). You can do this test for yourself.


There is nothing here that I have written that cannot be tested on your own.


Life is so much more than we have been led to believe. Disbelief and skepticism is healthy. But to deny all facts is not intelligent thinking. Discernment has to be developed. Your mind is a wonderful gift. Use it well and it will bring you peace.


Drop all the secondhand info (education mostly) we have taken on and do some checking. We know very little in truth. And no one will ever answer "the question "why life is". The truth is not in the realm of knowledge so it can only be approached by actually seeing with a mind that is free from imposed conditioning. Meditate and be free. THIS is GOD ( for want of a better word. in truth there is no way to convey the absolute TRUTH. The word God can become an idea. GOD is not an idea nor is it a concept.)