Anonymous ID: 75ab2d Feb. 22, 2019, 5:30 a.m. No.5323523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3539

I live on an Indian Rez. I am non Native. Natives tell history very differently from the way we are taught in school. I lived with a Medicine Man for a few years (these people are helping me out because I have ptsd n I was falling through the mainstream cracks n needed to survive n these people took me in like family.) Anyway, my point is that America was conquered by these same faggots that fund wars etc and they did it in the name of Christianity. This is why a lot of Natives (mainly AIM) is against Christianity..they see it as evil or ignorant, some of them, because they understand God differently and they tie Christianity with their massacres. They have their own religion and culture. Natives don't even shake hands the way we do. In the mainstream you have to have a nice, firm grip. Natives don't want to be grabbed firmly. In their mind, there's no need for that. Touching hands lightly is enough. We call that a sign of weakness when someone gives us a soft handshake.. but to them we're kinda like.. brutes or rough, etc.. It's all love but humans are just diverse. But fast forward to today n these same (((faggots))) want to have another go at it with the whole Allah angle this time. Same thing just fast forward a couple hundred years. They tried to convert all the Natives into Christianity. They'd say, "Kill the Indian. Save the Man". (About to get graphic for a second when u continue reading just a heads up..)The stories these people have about the boarding schools they put them in where they'd rape the children n kill their babies n how they found dead babies hidden in the walls of these boarding schools. I had a friend that her grandfather was in the boarding schools and they'd make him scrub his skin with a wire brush until he was bleeding- telling him to scrub the devil off of him. Just horible sht and now with Q and u guise it ALL makes sense. ThanQ Q n Anons. I waited my whole life for this.