Anonymous ID: b7e17c Feb. 22, 2019, 4:19 a.m. No.5323058   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I kind of think this is is a two fold problem.


The younger crowd hates the establishment too, but because they are programmed into a left vs right paradigm they elect one of their own who spouts the left wing talking points but does not have the real knowledge or experience. This is highlighted by frequent public gaffs that end with accusations of attacks and claiming victim status (liberal defense), the problem is even victim status cannot defend against absolutely absurd comments and policy statements. The left, fearing that this behaviour will ultimately destroy their power (even though they believe in the policies) will do one of the following.


  1. radically shift further to the left because their media allies have created a false echo chamber, which makes them think that there is more support than there really is. (Ref. Reagan vs Mondale). This is a replay.

  2. continue to throw radical candidates out there, pushing radical policies and ideas causing a dramatic shift in support from moderates, independents and even those within their own party. They will do this while secretly holding back their real candidate that once presented will seem moderate and less crazy pulling back the base.


Both are dangerous because both lead to the same outcome and policies. One is done secretly, the other is done radically. Overton Window in full effect.


With 90+% of the media negative towards trump, its obvious they are setting this strategy up. The in your face is the fact that the base across the entire spectrum is noticing this and hopefully will not fall victim to this BS.


Unfortunately, since representation is based on the total population and not on citizens, the continued importation of immigrants will soon make the left right choice obviously just a choice amongst a uniparty line. This is validated by the obvious actions of both parties that they we the people mean nothing because we the people can be replaced by we the immigrants. The problem with this ideology is that with the replacement strategy, they will eventually be replaced once the base replacement has been completed. In the end we all lose and unless some serious changes occurs we are just riding the coaster towards the end of the line.