Anonymous ID: fee8ff Feb. 22, 2019, 4:10 a.m. No.5323005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3293

More and more this situation has me thinking about the end of the civil war in a tactical / strategic sense. Confederates being deep state / cabal and Q / POTUS being the Union army. During the siege of Petersburg it seemed nothing was being done but the Confederate ability to wage war was slowly being destroyed. The Confeds eventually ran out of men and materials (These BS investigations) until Petersburg and the capital RIchmond had to be suddenly abandoned (DECLAS) and the Army of Northern Virginia fled west in a desperate attempt to link up with any reaming CSA forces (Who had their own problems). But soon found themselves surrounded be three Union armies. General Lee was left with only two choices: Fight and die or surrender. Things went from what appeared to be stagnation to the end of the war very quickly.


When things start to move they will move fast so buckle up patriots and God bless you one and all!!!!

Anonymous ID: fee8ff Feb. 22, 2019, 5:23 a.m. No.5323465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3479



I did not mean the confederates were bad and the union good. I meant the closing of the war and the Confederates were trapped. I am talking movements of armies on the map and like the CSA the deep state is trapped and it is only a matter of time for them.


I actually agree with you the rise of federalism got us here today and more states rights are a very good thing.