Prepare to be shilled into submission by the clockfags for your dissenting world-view.
Yes and no.
Q #2702
>Maybe one day we'll hit 0:00.00.
>Many 0:00.xx's but that doesn't cut it for Anon's.
Q #2779
>Excellent graphic - seconds matter!
Why not ask Terrence while helping keep the light on him so they don't try killing him again?
TW claims KH is JS's aunt.
TW gets driven off a bridge.
Clown hit?
Here's the rundown.
3:59 PM - 19 Feb 2019
.@KamalaHarris was lost for words when asked about her crazy nephew @JussieSmollett She is waiting on the Facts to unfold I must be tripping! I thought they didn’t wait on facts. When did they start doing that? Can y’all recall a time when they waited?
11:32 AM - 20 Feb 2019
3:03 PM - 20 Feb 2019
Hey guys! It’s hard typing this. I have fractured neck and back some spine issues. My lyft Driver almost flew off the bridge. I’ll be staying at the hospital for a few days! No White House for me😔 Thanks for the support. Logging off . Love y’all!
I'm not TW, silly.