Worldwide anti-Jewish fury on a grand scale, especially in America, as a result of the Black Pope’s openly agitating, secretly CFR-controlled, Masonic Jewish Zionists and thus, the beloved Jewish People of Israel being blamed for the Papal Caesar’s international Jesuit Crusade;
The destruction of both the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque – blamed on American Military forces – thereby enabling the Pope’s Shriner Freemasons to rebuild Solomon’s Temple, while simultaneously unifying Islamic fury, coordinated and directed by the Black Pope’s Masonic Moslem Intelligence Agencies in conjunction with his Masonic North American Intelligence Agencies, against the “heretic and liberal” American and Canadian Peoples of North America, we having been paganized through the Jesuit Order’s Bible-rejecting and deceptive educational systems, controlled Press and demoralizing theater movies;
The killing of millions of fanatical Moslems who would otherwise attack Israel when the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque are destroyed in Jerusalem, not to mention the possible destruction of Mecca and Medina, further securing the peace of the Papal Caesar’s Zionist government of Israel. That false peace will be maintained by the united European nations, their unity brought about by the Club of Rome in the person of the Spanish Knight of Malta and Commander of NATO forces during the bombing mass-murder of Orthodox Serbs in Yugoslavia, JAVIER SOLANA. These united, predominantly Roman Catholic, European nations will compose the Pope’s revived Holy Roman Empire, the new “Sword of the Church”. At this time the Black Pope will have no more need for the drugged, exhausted, bankrupt, amalgamated and demoralized American People of his “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Empire;
The tyranny of a White American fascist military dictator having arisen out of the “New Right” Republican Party due to anarchy giving way to a race war as a result of Negro and Hispanic rioting in our major cities coordinated by the Black Pope’s Masonically-led and racist Black army of the Nation of Islam. He will use America’s existing concentration camp system to kill millions of Jews, “heretics and liberals” pursuant to the Jesuits’ evil Council of Trent – just as Hitler “the Austrian” and homosexual drug addict destroyed apostate Protestant Germany with the help of FDR's USAF and Churchill's RAF - further justifying our nation's destruction;
The betrayal and defeat of our armies fighting a two-front war which we cannot win, one in the Middle East and the other possibly in the Far East against China, just as Napoleon betrayed his army in Russia in 1812, and just like Hitler betrayed his army in Russia one hundred and thirty years later, both treasonous dictators having been under orders from the advisors of the Black Pope;
Massive invasion and attack into North America, China and Russia storming the West Coast while China and a united Moslem host march into the Southeast Coast, known as “the Bible belt”, using the Bahamas and Cuba as staging bases. Our Jesuit-controlled leaders carrying out the nation’s immigration policies, in establishing a huge resident “fifth column” of Chinese, Moslem, Hindu and Hispanic aliens within our borders, have betrayed us Americans. The heart-breaking result will be the subjugation of the last apostate bastion of the Protestant Reformation and will compel Europe to unite reviving the old Holy Roman Empire – under the Papal Caesar.
This scenario is the answer as to Who and Why we were attacked on September 11, 2001, Bloody Black Tuesday. But after all, we apostate, Bible-rejecting White People deserve it, as I have said on this web page and in my book, Vatican Assassins: “Wounded In The House Of My Friends”. The Jesuit General’s “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Empire has been used to fulfill the Papal Caesar’s evil Council of Trent by oppressing and destroying “heretic and liberal” Bible believers, peoples and governments of at least eighty nations during the last one hundred years. Called by Jesuit John Courtney Murray and Knight of Malta Henry R. Luce “the American Century”, the Knights of Malta and Shriner Freemasons on Wall Street
*Says BLACK POPE The most powerful man in the world ordered 911 attack on Twin Towers