>>5325408 (lb)
Q-uit all that teasing!
>>5325408 (lb)
Q-uit all that teasing!
Keep 'em coming!
Q drop explains it. Q is troll master supreme. Those that were forced out have to still be MAGA, or get exposed as being frauds.
[Many] did not leave by choice.
[Save-Face] and promote MAGA or [be exposed].
Attacks occur from all directions.
Imagine being Gorka, lost yer WH job because you are an asshat fake MAGA, and you get forced out. Now, you have to be MAGA every day, or get exposed. Knowing that you have to do this, and sometimes, Q, who you assume is likely DJT, is trolling the ever living fuck out of you, could you muster the strength to even get out of bed in the AM?
Gorka's life must be Hell. That gives me Zen.
I got this, anons. I'll go dig, and come back with what I find.
It's sad, and you are probably right. However, dont imply there aren't "pros" that work outside of Vegas. Just putting that out there.