Decided to annotate my own calendar based on the countdown Q gave us on February 9. 2019. Created V1 of this calendar. After looking at it, finally realized countdowns don't go forward (1, 2, 3,…) but rather backward (90, 89, 88,..) [duh] so I decided to recreate the calendar in the retrograde. After changing a few numbers (30 to 90 and 90 to 30) finally realized the symmetry in the numerical boundaries between the 60's and 45's meant I did not have to redraw the countdown boundaries. Cool, but hardy significant, in case anyone tries to draw some numerology crap conclusions from the symmetry.
Anyway, I remember we really didn't get an indication that the countdown Q gave us was in days as opposed to the hours found in the NASA web page. So, I am making an assumption here. Also several anons pretty much agreed this was not a strict countdown but rather a relative target range of days where things might occur faster, or in true NASA fashion, there might be some holds based on unanticipated conditions and countermoves by the enemy. Therefore my intent is to look for patterns of events during these date ranges, and not become a concernfag if boundaries are crossed without the revelation of a significant event on a specific day.
Provided here for other anons' reference.