Anonymous ID: dab507 Feb. 22, 2019, 11:45 a.m. No.5329928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9962 >>0241 >>0504 >>0572

US military has taken control of Europe — Wimmer


German chiefs in Security Conference completely bypass the will of the German people


“We note to our sorrow the fact that our national parliaments and our national governments are no longer in a position to make an independent assessment of other parts of the world, or to ask ourselves whether our policies towards other countries can be upheld or have to be changed, because we follow the lines from Washington and sometimes from Paris and London in a very bad way.”


ParsToday: Mr. Wimmer, the 55th Munich Conference in the Bavarian court is over. A conference full of tension. In your opinion, what were the dominant themes of this conference?


Wimmer: Well, first of all, there was the Federal Chancellor’s massive attack on American President Trump, and the German automobile workers will be affected by it. If, in a few weeks, punitive tariffs get imposed on German cars exported to the United States, then one will see what the Chancellor’s speech really did. Beyond that, of course, in the room are those who have massively cheered that for two years German politics has not found an answer to the American president. This is certainly the absolute first impression of this conference from domestic policy circles.


And then of course you have to see that the United States, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, have not yet managed to switch from their constant readiness for war to the ability to make peace. And of course you have to take a closer look at the different hotspots, including the Korean Peninsula, including Latin America and Venezuela, and above all, the Middle East and that’s where you’re right in the middle.


ParsToday: Mr. Wimmer, the Chancellor in her speech on Saturday particularly reprimanded the go it alone efforts of US President Donald Trump in foreign and trade policy. How do you find this criticism or this complaint?


Wimmer: From my point of view, that is the inability of the Federal Chancellor and many other European governments to even understand why President Trump exists. That has also shown up very clearly in Munich. You kiss and hug with Mrs. Pelosi and with Lindsey Graham, these are the representatives of the usual Washington war coalition, which is on the way with wars worldwide and also knows how to be bipartisan.

Anonymous ID: dab507 Feb. 22, 2019, 11:47 a.m. No.5329975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0032 >>0045 >>0241 >>0273 >>0504 >>0572

German police lose ALL the evidence against two paedophiles who allegedly raped more than 30 children at least 1,000 times at rundown campsite


Andreas V. and Mario S are accused of raping dozens of children in Germany

Some 30 children allegedly sexually assaulted and raped more than 1,000 times

The 56-year-old and 33-year-old also allegedly filmed their depraved crimes

Police admit they have lost 155 DVDs of sexual abuse - and did not make backups


German police have admitted to losing almost all the incriminating digital evidence against two paedophiles accused of sexually assaulting least 31 children as young as four, allegedly raping their victims more than 1,000 times.


Main suspect Andreas V., 56, and his campsite neighbour Mario S., 33, allegedly sexually assaulted dozens of children at a rundown caravan park in Luegde, a town in the western German state of North Rhine-Westphalia.


The case has shocked Germany, but despite the extremely serious allegations, police are now saying that almost all the incriminating digital evidence has gone missing - and that they apparently forgot to make backups.



Anonymous ID: dab507 Feb. 22, 2019, 11:48 a.m. No.5330010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0025 >>0110 >>0166

‘Macron is playing ‘political theater’ in linking anti-Semitism & anti-Zionism – French commenters


French President Emmanuel Macron’s vow to outlaw “anti-Zionism” as racism has less to do with actually fighting hate crimes and more to do with courting votes, according to French commenters.


“Anti-Semitism is hiding itself behind anti-Zionism,” Macron said Wednesday, speaking at the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions (Crif) and announcing that France seeks to define “anti-Zionism as a modern-day form of anti-Semitism.”


Macron’s declaration comes after a spate of anti-Semitic incidents and attacks in France, ranging from swastikas daubed on Jewish shopfronts earlier this month, to the brutal murder of an elderly Holocaust survivor last year.


However, independent journalist Luc Rivet told RT that anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are not entirely the same thing.


“Anti-Semitism is clearly a form of racism and must be banned,” Rivet said. “I would be reluctant to condemn anti-Zionism as being the same. Many on the extreme left, including some Jews, are against the state of Israel as it is being led at the moment. They don’t like a country based on race and religion.”


While anti-Semitism has existed since Biblical times, anti-Zionism emerged in the late 19th century as a reaction to the Zionist political movement. Founded by Theodore Herzl, the movement advocated the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, then under British control.


NOTE: Zionism is NOT a religion

Anonymous ID: dab507 Feb. 22, 2019, 11:50 a.m. No.5330043   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Poroshenko is in New Jersey right now, taking communion from CIA and Vatican backed Schismatics


Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, on a working visit to the U.S., participated in a memorial service for the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred yesterday at St. Andrew’s Memorial Church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, a jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, in South Bound Brook, New Jersey, reports the official site of the President of Ukraine.


Poroshenko also broadcast the service live on his Facebook page.


The President’s site reports that the panikhida was served by Metropolitan Antony, the primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA, and Archbishop Daniel, though Abp. Daniel is not visible in any of the photos of the video. The article does not mention that also present was Bishop Paul P. Chomnycky of Stamford, Connecticut of the Uniate Catholic Church in America.


Moreover, as can be seen in the video on Poroshenko’s page, not only did the Uniate hierarch attend, but he was vested and concelebrated the panikhida with the Orthodox hierarchs.


Poroshenko spoke following the panikhida, noting that he had begun the day speaking on behalf of Ukraine at a UN debate on the situation in the “occupied territories” in Ukraine.


The head of state also used the occasion of a memorial service to share his oft-aired views about Russia, saying that Ukraine is united “despite all of Putin’s attempts to split us, undermine stability from inside, destabilize, spread lies, and sow hatred in the hearts of Ukrainians … That is why Ukrainians are strong now, that’s why the whole world supports us.”

Anonymous ID: dab507 Feb. 22, 2019, 11:51 a.m. No.5330053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0241 >>0504 >>0572

Israel Braces For Temple Mount Violence… Netanyahu In Political Fight Of Life


60 arrested as police brace for Temple Mount violence after Friday prayers


Security forces were gearing up Friday morning for anticipated violence ahead of Friday prayers at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount as police announced 60 people were arrested overnight on suspicion of planning violence.


The Kan public broadcaster reported the arrested individuals were all residents of East Jerusalem.


A spokesman for the police said the crackdown came after “calls for public disturbances” at Friday prayers.


Police said in a statement they expect to make further arrests in the coming hours, and that they would act to ensure prayers could take place as planned.


Palestinian worshipers clashed with Israeli police at the site on Tuesday, trying to force their way into an area of the holy compound that has been closed for years. Police said 19 Palestinians were arrested.


The incident followed a similar confrontation on Monday in which Palestinians tried to break the gate that Israel placed on the closed area last week after the Muslim Waqf religious council broke into the area and held prayers there.


New polls put Gantz-Lapid ahead of Netanyahu


Three surveys show Blue and White surging ahead in April 9 election, with 35-36 seats to Likud’s 26-32.


New polls released Thursday evening showed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party trailing well behind the new joint Blue and White list of Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid, with 47 days until the April 9 Knesset elections.

Anonymous ID: dab507 Feb. 22, 2019, 11:52 a.m. No.5330074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0241 >>0504 >>0572

Graham: 'Handful' of GOP senators will vote to block Trump's emergency declaration


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) predicted on Friday that a "handful" of Republicans will back a resolution to block President Trump's emergency declaration to construct the U.S.-Mexico border wall.

"A handful. … [But] there will be enough [left] to sustain a veto," Graham told Fox News, asked how many Republicans would vote with Democrats in the Senate.


Graham didn't offer a specific number for how many of his Republican colleagues he thinks will back the resolution.


He said that he would "absolutely not" vote for the Democrat-led resolution, adding that he is "100 percent with the president."


Graham, who has emerged as a vocal ally for Trump in the Senate, also accused Democrats of "hypocrisy" on border security and argued they were opposing the president's plan because "they just hate Trump."


"I hope Republicans will not reward this, quite frankly," Graham added on Friday.


Trump announced last week that he would declare a national emergency to construct the U.S.-Mexico border wall after Congress passed a bill that gave him $1.375 billion — well below the $5.7 billion that he requested.


The move sparked a political firestorm, with lawmakers preparing to try to derail his emergency declaration.


The House is expected to vote on a resolution on Tuesday that would block the declaration.


Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) is the only Republican co-sponsor of the House resolution so far, though Democrats are expected to try to pick up more bipartisan support.


Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a Thursday statement that Senate Democrats would introduce a companion resolution "soon," and urged Republicans to support the measure.


If all 47 Democrats voted for the resolution to block the declaration, they would need to win over four Republicans to send the measure to Trump's desk, where White House officials expect he would use his first veto of his term.


Several Republican senators have raised concerns about, or voiced objections to, Trump's emergency declaration, raising the prospects that a resolution could pass the chamber initially.


But Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) is the only Republican senator who has said that she would vote for the resolution.


"I don't know what the vote situation will be in the Senate, nor do I know exactly what that resolution will say, but it is a privileged matter. That means that it will come before the Senate for a vote, and if it's a clean disapproval resolution, I will support it," she told reporters in Maine on Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: dab507 Feb. 22, 2019, 11:54 a.m. No.5330118   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5G and Trump’s Tweets – Ignorance, Greed, or Insanity?


“The 5G Rollout is Absolutely Insane.” Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University.


Donald Trump’s total disregard for humanity, fauna, flora, environment – and indeed a towering ignorance – is perhaps encapsulated in recent Tweets:


Electromagnetic Sense Ireland (1) has possibly the most comprehensive, accessible, expert material to be found on 5G. It makes chilling reading.


“5G is the next generation of mobile and wireless technology. It is being touted as the next best thing in communications – providing faster speeds (up to 100 times) and higher capacity transmissions to carry the massive amount of data that will be generated … A dense network of antennae is needed for 5G to operate, so these will be placed on thousands of lamp posts, poles, under manholes, street equipment etc.


“As well as 5G on earth, there are plans to put 20,000 satellites in space. The intention of this is to completely cover the earth in wireless radiation.


“5G will substantially increase exposure to radio–frequency electromagnetic fields RF-EMF, that has already been proven to be harmful for humans, animals and the environment.”


Risks from 5G include:


Damage to the eyes – cataracts, retinal damage

Severe sweating

Skin damage

Immune system disruption

Metabolic disruption

Neurological disturbance

Leakage of blood brain barrier

Damage to sperm

Increased risk of cancers

Collapse of insect populations, the base of food for birds and bats

Rise in bacterial resistance and bacterial shifts

Damage to plants and trees


“The plans to beam highly penetrative 5G milliwave radiation at us from space must surely be one of the greatest follies ever conceived by mankind. There will be nowhere safe to live”, states Olga Sheean, former World Health Organisation employee and author of “No Safe Place.”


“It would irradiate everyone, including the most vulnerable to harm from radiofrequency radiation: pregnant women, unborn children, young children, teenagers, men of reproductive age, the elderly, the disabled, and the chronically ill” states Ronald Powell, with a PhD, in Applied Physics from Harvard University.


One hundred and eighty doctors and scientists from thirty six countries have already written to the European Union demanding a moratorium on 5G implementation.


5G is part of a seven Trillion Dollar business. So in Trump Land, clearly to hell with all life on earth – or is he actually unaware of the unimaginable horror of what he is championing?


Radiation from whatever source kills, deforms, attacking the unborn, wreaks havoc – as the haunting birth deformities and cancers, environmental devastation from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to the testing grounds of the Pacific Islands, to Iraq and the Middle East show in horrors which follow the generations.


As Professor Michel Chossudovsky comments succinctly of 5G: “It’s a bit like nuclear war, it kills.”

Anonymous ID: dab507 Feb. 22, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.5330152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0241 >>0504 >>0572

AIPAC slams ‘racist and reprehensible’ extremist party wooed by Netanyahu


In rare comment on Israeli politics, powerful pro-Israel lobby joins AJC to decry union of the Kahanist ‘Otzma Yehudit’ with the Jewish Home party, a move midwifed by PM


WASHINGTON — In a rare comment on internal Israeli politics, AIPAC and the AJC, two mainstream US Jewish organizations, condemned the recent merger deal between the Jewish Home party with the extremist Otzma Yehudit party, a move that was midwifed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


The deal could see the entrance of at least one lawmaker from the party of Meir Kahane’s disciples into the 21st Knesset after the April elections.


In a statement late Thursday the American Jewish Committee said the “views of Otzma Yehudit are reprehensible. They do not reflect the core values that are the very foundation of the State of Israel.”

Anonymous ID: dab507 Feb. 22, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.5330185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0241 >>0504 >>0572

TV report: MI6 intel chief makes secret Israel trip amid new Iran nuke activity


Channel 13: Alex Younger holds talks with Mossad chief as Iran renews centrifuge production; Israeli assessment: Regime has not yet made political decision to break out to bomb


Britain’s MI6 intelligence chief secretly visited Israel this week for talks with Israeli counterparts about concerns that Iran may be considering breaching the 2015 nuclear deal and attempting to break out to a nuclear weapons capability, Israeli television reported on Friday night.


Channel 13 news said MI6 chief Alex Younger arrived in Israel on Monday and met with the head of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency, Yossi Cohen, and other Israeli security chiefs.


Israel’s assessment is that Iran is “making preparations” within the provisions of the 2015 deal, and “getting ready,” but has not yet made the political decision to break out to the bomb, the TV report said.