Check connects with Goldman Sachs mebbe. US media has been dead silent on the extradition recently.
Here is the thing. We aren't actually the news. We find relevant ALREADY PUBLISHED pieces that have been BURIED. Occasionally we piece together digs on publicly available information or 'stuff' that gets dropped here. We are more an aggregator or connector of dots. That part of the objective has to become part of the name.
The other thing to consider, when Q says "you are the news now" part of that statement is simply that Qresearch/Qanon have become a news TOPIC.
If we actually published, yes
Cool piece by another anon several boards ago about Cheney, Scalia and The Energy Group
Wonder if ties to (((Bain)))
Dude. At least 8 mos of Genie Oil digs on the board.
Enough reading for days. Cabal confirmed. Syria/Golan target. Have fun!!