Judge Denies AG Becerra’s Request to Block Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Videos During Hearing
A San Francisco Superior Court judge has denied the requests of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and his abortion allies to block Planned Parenthood videos from public viewing in the courtroom during the upcoming hearing of video journalist Sandra Merritt.
Merritt worked with co-defendant David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) to expose the alleged fetal tissue trafficking operation of Planned Parenthood and its partners in the biomedical industry. Her preliminary hearing is scheduled to begin April 22.
Liberty Counsel, which is defending Merritt against 15 felony charges brought against her by Becerra, said in a press statement that the attorney general, “in an unprecedented move, and at the request of abortion giants Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation,” attempted to try Merritt “in secret on these bogus charges, and to completely prevent the public from ever seeing the undercover videos which are alleged to have been illegally recorded.”