Do you know who wrote this letter to the Editor of the Columbia Spectator while he was attending Columbia University?
You might remember his name – Joel Davis. First here are some highlights from his letter. In short, it’s a sophomoric call to redefine free speech to include only ideas that fit the liberal bias at Columbia University.
“If you look at the list of speakers they’ve invited, which includes Milo Yiannopoulos, Martin Shkreli, Charles Murray, Dinesh D’Souza, and Mike Cernovich, almost every speaker can be understood as a reaction to Columbia’s liberal slant, transforming the act of hosting a speaker into a political statement. We seem to have forsaken questioning whether these events are even intended for the moderates among us, or if the speakers are even interested in what students have to say.”
“…do we really need to provide speakers with a platform for hate speech? Progress can be lost if ideologues gain greater exposure and poison political dialogues, and hosting regular events for them is the equivalent of introducing their ideologies into the mainstream.”
Meanwhile, the author’s calls to question or redefine what free speech really means, occurs with the backdrop of the article’s photograph, which is an example of the left’s themes of inclusiveness and tolerance.
But this dig is not about a philosophical or political debate. It is to identify/document circumstantial evidence of possibly what might be pervasive DS/Foreign criminal activitis at American Universities.
And that will be explored in the next post.