Funny, I took the basic HAM course, but declined to take the exam as I learned that gov't could track all HAM operators. This was under Obomination's rule. Still haven't taken the exam.
"'Remember These Names: 12 Democratic Senators Pushing Anti-Christian Bigotry'"
In the past two years, Democrat-aligned senators have launched inquisitions into the religious beliefs of President Donald Trump's nominees for judicial and administration positions. This week, the Family Research Council (FRC) released a report naming twelve offenders and documenting the nine times when senators applied an unconstitutional religious test for public office. Three of these senators are likely candidates for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.
"The senators asking these questions are more interested in painting the nominees as partial because of their religious convictions, rather than actually pursuing the truth," Alexandra McPhee, Esq., FRC's director of religious freedom advocacy and author of the report, told PJ Media in an interview on Friday.
She argued that the questions senators posed to nominees "show a distrust of religion." These senators "are probing beliefs of nominees that have nothing to do with whether they are able to carry out their duties faithfully."
McPhee argued that these kinds of questions support "the idea that someone who has strong convictions is disqualified for office because of their faith."
That directly contradicts Article 6, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which forbids a religious test for public office. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) argued that "asking a nominee about the particulars of his or her religious beliefs" is inappropriate because it will "inevitably expose those beliefs as somehow a qualifier or a disqualifier for public office."
Mark Levin addresses the ‘silent coup’ effort against President Trump in a must-watch free episode of LevinTV
On the latest LevinTV episode on BlazeTV, host Mark Levin discussed what he discussed the effort from within the FBI to lead a “silent coup” against President Trump.
“A few days ago, something remarkable happened. The former deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, confessed to helping to lead a coup d’etat against the president of the United States. That is, to try to overthrow the government,” Levin explained.
“It is unprecedented in American history to have a bureaucrat at the FBI try to lead an effort to reverse the course of history, to change what took place at the ballot box,” he added. “To disenfranchise 63 million Americans.”
“And it turns out the president was right. These are bad cops. These are guys who politicize the FBI. These are guys who undermine the hardworking men and women of the FBI,” Levin continued. Watch the full bombshell episode (view within linked page below):
Democrats Take Down Another Judicial Nominee Simply Because He’s A Christian
Dissenting in Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 Supreme Court case that legalized same-sex marriage, Justice Samuel Alito gravely predicted that “those who cling to old beliefs will be able to whisper their thoughts in the recesses of their homes, but if they repeat those views in public, they will risk being labeled as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers, and schools.”
He was right. In Wisconsin, this campaign of religious intolerance has claimed a new casualty in Gordon Giampietro, President Trump’s former nominee to a vacant seat on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. He was revealed to be removed from the list of renominations Trump issued on January 22. Democrats have all but ensured that, for the crime of publicly voicing the teachings of his faith, Giampietro will never sit on the federal bench.
‘The Dogma Lives Loudly Within’ People of Faith
A number of Senate Democrats have famously come to the conclusion that Catholics faithful to the teachings of their church are unfit for public service. In September 2017, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) bizarrely complained that “the dogma lives loudly within” Judge Amy Coney Barrett, suggesting that her faith precludes her service on the bench.
In December 2018, presidential candidate Kamala Harris (D-CA) shamefully attempted to make membership in the Knights of Columbus, a renowned Catholic charitable organization, a disqualifying offense. One can apparently be a Catholic, but ought not to be too serious about it.
That this nonsense has now claimed Giampietro is a shame. His qualifications are beyond question. An assistant general counsel at a Fortune 500 company, he has more than a decade’s experience as a federal prosecutor after becoming a partner at one of Wisconsin’s most successful law firms. He received the approval of the bipartisan Wisconsin Federal Nominating Commission (on which one of us sat), of Wisconsin Sens. Ron Johnson (R) and Tammy Baldwin (D), and of the American Bar Association, which awarded him an official rating of “qualified.”
But that was before BuzzFeed reported that Giampietro was an unapologetically orthodox Catholic, quoting remarks he had made on Catholic radio criticizing same-sex marriage and birth control and a comment he had posted in response to an article on a Catholic website lamenting that the “original sin” of slavery had spawned a modern legacy of race-based decision-making.
Although his views on same-sex marriage and birth control reflect the official teaching of a church with more than 1 billion members worldwide (and his views on affirmative action are well within the mainstream of conservative legal thought), Giampietro had made the mistake of sharing his thoughts outside the recesses of his home. That gave the left the hook it needed.
“Oh Look, Another One of Trump’s Court Picks Is Really Anti-Gay,” sneered a HuffPost headline. A prominent Madison newspaper branded Giampietro “entirely unacceptable.” The Human Rights Campaign quickly pushed out a glossy attack ad urging viewers to contact their senators and tell them “to block a lifetime appointment for Gordon Giampietro.”