> the timeline is fluid depending on reactions of the cabal.
>It is more likely that we have some sort of order of events, that if revealed will show the roadmap of confirmations that will be played out in the public.
Yes - this part seems particularly plausible/relevant.
Some anons want to make a yardstick that is parallel to another yardstick, and simply adjust the origin point by sliding one of the yardsticks.
Visualilze the second yardstick as something stretchy and flexible. It may have labelled points on it in the same sequence as the numbers on a yardstick, but it may have different length. Different parts of the sequence may be stretched or compressed (like an elastic band with numbers marked on it) to fit the posts or timeline of real events.
An aside: I hope 11/3 Podesta does not refer to November 3, 2018. I'd prefer sooner rather than later.