isn't puppy show super bowl mention by Q a proof since the owner of the pats was arrested shortly later?
proof? isn't she still alive
oh yeah forgive me I haven't been on here in several months and forgot about that little detail. was on here 24/7 for about 9 months tho.
>What do we know anons? God wins. Until then satan is still in play. More than that, the father of lies is very angry. He knows his days are short.
I don't have my god bless the usa graphic on this computer but indeed… days are short…. looking for the conclusion of this age in 2038-2040.
I'm still on here occasionally, 2-4 hours a week. Just not constantly like I was. 28k to 2 or 3 million then got a job and working full time now.
M A G A indeed!
currently seeing fulfillment of revelations 2:9 and 3:9 synagogue of satan being destroyed.
on another note if you have tinnitus in your ears don't eat salty popcorn. sheesh my tinnitus is 10x worse tonight after eating popcorn a few hours ago.
you will never make it past your local news if you didn't play their sick ass games. whos's your regional news provider? see grandma on there once in awhile? sure you do. compare to national news, "famous" people" and all that other shit… see grandma in hollywood? don't think so. you pay to play and you play to pay. it's a sick bullshit game that mimics everything in power
why the fuck is it "apple" computers and their symbol has an apple with a bite out of it?