SO…why were glownigger clowns nabbed in Haiti? Really? Stop this shit..Haiti has enough problems
Also, stop trying to convince us that America just loves Venezuela and cares about their people….really? And then trying to convince us Russia cares about their government? Really?
FuckinA people are stupid. The only thing EITHER Russia OR US cares about in Venezuela is oil.
And if the USA puts ONE boot on the ground to overthrow that President….let the PEOPLE who elected him get RID of him. Where there is a WILL there is a WAY…a band of rag tag farmers with long guns defeated the greatest army in the world….so let those people save their own damn country and let their oil to them to help them recover after. Surely Putin will be glad to BackTFO if the USA also agrees to BackTFO…and if you're going to fight anyway just fucking be honest about it, and if you can't be HONEST about it then you KNOW it's the wrong damn thing to be doing.