Iran has a bright & beautiful future (in more ways than one). But the People of Persia need to reclaim their nation from the oppressive regime and the Deep State.
There has been NO GREATER time for oppressed nations of people to break their chains, than now. Until the election of 5-10-20, the DS was able to utilize the military might of the U.S. to do its dirty work. No longer!
Iran, Rise Up!
Reza, prepare to return and lead your nation in healing and rebuilding.
The Deep State enforcement arm is impotent. The time is now. YOU, Reza, have the rarest of opportunities to lead your Great Nation back to greatness, and hopefully, have the wisdom to turn that great nation over to the Proud Persian People to govern themselves based on the principles of Freedom and True Liberty.
We, the American People, are with you…and Iran!