Newmont merger talks with Barrick & Goldcorp are IMO mostly about securing scarce reserves in the ground, as the end of gold/silver price suppression looms after so many years.
Lib/Dem/Left conditioning is designed to invoke an emotional reaction in the subject.
The emotions surge, hormones modifiy neurotransmitters,
a fight-or-flight reaction in the brainstem is stimulated,
causing a shut-down of higher cognitive functions.
That's why our leftie families and frens have trouble with a rational argument.
That's why truthful talking points don't sway them, but just drive them away.
That's why they cover their ears and yell slogans.
We need to introspect and discover what pushes our own buttons and does this to us.
We need to understand the mechanism, so we are no longer subject to it.
Generational labels tend to obscure, not enlighten. Lumping groups of people together based on physical characteristics is not the mark of an autist researcher.
>>5347270 Why can't the left meme? Because the purpose of a meme is to peel back the blinders of the mesmerized and cause them to see an instant of truth. The left has no interest in truth, in fact they are fighting it with all their strength. They do not want the blinders pulled off themselves or others. They see that it is fruitless to try and meme the falsehood they are defending, because it really can't be done.
Why the Left Can't Meme
• Conditioning produces emotional triggering, which cuts off higher cognitive processes (reasoning, analysis, logic)
• Creativity arises when conflicting ideas/images are juxtaposed; left unable/unwilling to let conflicting ideas be simultaneously present in consciousness; hence creativity is stifled
• Leftie conditioning says people should take offense and feel insulted by everything; thus unable to make or take a joke
• These people are stupid! (Well some, perhaps most, of them truly are.) You have to be stupid or have a strong cognitive preference to avoid reasoning, to fall for the leftie conditioning in the first place.
• Their beliefs are based on shallow sound-bites and aphorisms, therefore are not deeply held in the way that the Right's foundational beliefs based on history, Bible, morality, etc. are.
• They are conditioned to accept what their leaders tell them and not to think outside the box.
• Visual memes combine images and text to convey a message; this requires the cooperation of both brain hemispheres: visual and imagination (right), text and logic (left).
• …
Anons, if we can figure out why they can't meme, maybe we can diagnose what's wrong with them and how to fix it.
>>5347597 Make them work in the fields.